Home / Forums / Advice & Chat / Dealing with 'fake' Christmas Presents
You’re the one who wants to think badly about and tear down your SIL for not spending as much money. That’s you. You wrote in because she gave your kid a knock off gift. How does she even know it was a knock off? You’re materialistic and literally looking for ways to be mad at this woman. How could you even compare what she bought for her own children vs yours? Who cares that she got a load of gifts?
You should go find a qualified therapist for yourself and your ego issues.
Dude, stop taking the bait.
Stop caring about your SIL’s opinions of you, stop caring about commenters unsolicited opinions about how you raise your child. You know your kid, you know how you are raising them, if you feel happy and confident with what you’re doing rather than getting your back up, as you say, filter out stuff that wasn’t relevant to your main question.
Seriously, you seem to have this impulse to not let anything go, both here and in your real life.
Just…get a thicker skin or something.