Updates: “Totally Over It Bridesmaid” Responds (Again!)

updatesIt’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today we hear from “Totally Over It Bridesmaid” who was wondering whether there was a way she could get out of being a bridesmaid for her frenemy who was no longer speaking to her after a series of tiffs and misunderstandings. She updated back in May of 2015 saying she bowed out of the wedding party and had told the bride she didn’t want to be friends with her anymore but wished her well. Then she updated again a few months later, saying she ended the friendship and heard that at her second bachelorette party in Las Vegas, the bride “got super drunk and was kicked out of a bar with some guy because the bartender saw ‘penis.’ And that was just the first night. According to two separate accounts from girls who were there, she was escorted back to her hotel room on the second night by cops (after she screamed at the other girls when they wanted to crash at 3 AM and then went back out by herself) and flat out cheated on her fiancé the third night, none of which she can ‘remember.'”

And now for the third and final update in this series:

I wrote to you a few years ago about the crazy bride, and how I dropped out of the wedding, and tons more drama happened. Since then, I moved on with my life, and would politely listen about the bride’s life from other people, but not ask anything else, and try
and change the subject when she came up. I felt a lot of the comments from the DW’ers were negative towards me, and I realized that I was “too high school” and just honestly grew up and apart from some of those people/friends/situations. Also her blocking me on all forms of social media really allowed me to just forget these people were ever really in my life. (My friend told me to see if she blocked me a few months ago, and I checked and she had! Yay for her!) Anyway, no shocker to anyone who has followed the saga, but recently a mutual friend shared that the bride’s husband had asked her to move out, and they are now divorcing. I didn’t ask any other questions, or any follow-up, because frankly, it’s none of my business or concern anymore.

Thanks for your advice!

You and the soon-to-be ex-husband should have a toast to your freedom from this woman. Just kidding! Stay the drama-free course and keep enjoying your life away from these people.


If you’re someone I’ve given advice to in the past, I’d love to hear from you, too. Email me at wendy@dearwendy.com with a link to the original post, and let me know whether you followed the advice and how you’re doing now.

Follow along on Facebook, and Instagram.


  1. LisforLeslie says:

    I’m surprised that it took so long for the husband to wise up.

    @Totally Over – that drama is exhausting isn’t it?

    1. Avatar photo Cleopatra Jones says:

      As if her banging some random dude in Vegas wasn’t enough to make him break it off.

  2. I just got caught up on this saga. Wow! I’ve cut some bad friends out of my life –the most recent one being maybe a year and a half ago — and it can be hard/sad, but I’ve never felt I made the wrong call. Life without drama is delightful.

  3. “because frankly, it’s none of my business or concern anymore”
    yeah, right

    1. Just because she’s given us an update of occasionally thinks about this person, doesn’t mean it’s still important in her life.

      1. Eh, 3 or 4 updates on one wedding day. Kind of excessive. She clearly hasn’t moved on mentally.

      2. So why can’t she gloat? She’s been proven right! Besides I enjoyed reading the drama.

    2. Avatar photo Cleopatra Jones says:

      I’m kind of torn on this update. On one hand, it’s great that she cut Beth out of her life and has moved on but OTOH, who doesn’t like sweet karmic justice?
      Beth is a pretty horrible friend, and a shitty person in general, so I’m not surprised the LW is kinda gloating on how Beth’s life is blowing up.
      Yeah, it’s petty. But in her place, I can’t say that I wouldn’t do the same.
      I probably wouldn’t write in to give million updates but I’d definitely gloat to myself.

      1. Me too! The worst part of me would be smiling while she went down in flames.

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