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    August 28, 2018 at 7:11 am #789313

    I’m in the don’t say anything camp.

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    August 27, 2018 at 12:51 pm #789253

    Being an employee and hiring somebody to watch your kid are two really different things.

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    August 27, 2018 at 12:38 pm #789249

    and I’m saying that maybe it is easy to see that it’s ok to do this in that situation. Also how does the BF have nothing to do with the situation? Maybe I missed it, but if he is a live-in boyfriend or visits a lot, and is going to be around when the kid is staying with her, that seems to be pretty pertinent. Or is the possibility of this guy slapping around his GF in front of her kid another one of those gray areas? Is it right? Is it wrong? ugh I just don’t know!

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    August 27, 2018 at 12:16 pm #789245

    “I mean, parents can be investigated by CPS for allowing their healthy, unabused, 8 year child to walk the dog within view from their house, but is that reasonable?
    Just because it’s legal/illegal doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong.

    So you’re not sure if this is right or wrong? Because sometimes it’s easy to see that something is either right or wrong.

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    August 27, 2018 at 12:06 pm #789241

    I think you meant Cheezus…

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    August 27, 2018 at 9:33 am #789207

    This got way out of control, and there is so much reaching on this one it’s kind of crazy. It’s not an invasion of privacy to get public information on somebody, and no she didn’t have to wait to ask this women to babysit before she did any searches on her. Why the would somebody ask first, and find out the information after, then you have to give them a reason why you don’t want them to babysit. If this guy didn’t want the information out there, all he had to do was not beat the women he was in a relationship with. To think that people are mad at somebody for finding out this information on a guy that I assume would also be around her kids while she is watching them is nuts. It really seems like people are making reasons up to be mad at becboo. Don’t know why could just be the whole internet persona thing, where people say what they want for a reaction. Good knows I definitely do it on here sometimes(maybe a lot).

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    August 24, 2018 at 10:45 am #788953

    She’s been with this guy for four years, chances are if he is an abuser he’s already been abusing her, so letting her know now probably isn’t going to do much besides piss her off. I would not ask her to watch you kid though.

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    August 13, 2018 at 12:36 pm #787723

    It was very hard to read what you wrote, so I say have more babies!

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    August 10, 2018 at 2:26 pm #786602

    If you read it again, he didn’t say you were selfish and bad, he said you think fat people are selfish and bad on top of being gross

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    August 8, 2018 at 10:25 am #785349

    Here is a good article to let you know how a child changes a parent

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    August 3, 2018 at 6:38 am #783629

    See OP, having a kid didn’t stop Carolann’s father from putting his kids in danger, having them sell drugs, going to jail, and overdosing in front of them, I mean even his grand kids are in danger. So no having a kid doesn’t change somebody, and you shouldn’t be taking it out on this women.

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    August 2, 2018 at 7:04 am #783520

    I haven’t read this whole thing, but I get it now. The LW blames the mother because she thinks her other son would have some how stayed out of trouble if he knew he had a daughter, and she see’s her other son going down the same path, and thinks if his niece all of the sudden morphs into his daughter he will turn things around and it will save his life… Fuck that, shit doesn’t happen like that. People who do bad things, or are addicted to shitty drugs that cause you to overdose, don’t give a fuck about other people while they are in that state of mind. They pretend they do for a short period of time, but the drug always wins. I have too many friends and family, who loved their kids, but are still very dead. You need to focus on a real way to get you and your son help, and stop blaming this poor women, who’s raising a child on her on. Which it sounds like she had a good reason to be doing that.

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