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I think some cheating is just because the opportunity is there. I don’t think it’s always premeditated or because they’re not in love with their SO anymore or because they have feelings for the person they’re cheating with.
Anyway, I think some couples can move past infidelity. I’d wager many who do move past it work with a couples therapist to get past the betrayal, hurt, and trust issues (don’t know this for sure, though).
Staying with someone “because of all the history” is a bad reason to get back together, though. You don’t say how long you’ve been together, but just because you’ve invested a chunk of time into a relationship does not mean you need to keep holding on to it if it’s no longer serving you. You don’t even feel confident that your partner really wants to be with you.
Yeah, the first company I worked for out of school decided to move to an open plan not too long before I left for a new job and started office renovations/remodels shortly after I left. Not even the CEO was going to have an office. When it was announced, I was totally fine with the open concept plan. Everyone mid-level or up had their own office because we had the space for that at one point. But the company was growing quickly and needed more space — I at one point had to share a cubicle. The mid-level crowd losing their offices complained endlessly, which was super annoying. Anyway, I get it now. Though I’d keep it to myself if I had coworkers sitting mere feet away from my office two-per-cube.
Yeah, I get that offices are kind of a thing of the past these days at many offices. But, my field in general is a bit old school and this is one of the few perks of that, haha. And in any case, I like having one. I like the privacy and quiet to concentrate. I don’t want to go back to the cubicle life.
My company sent out an email earlier this week to let us know they’ll likely be requiring proof of vaccination as a condition of employment. Fine by me! I don’t think we’ll go back until maybe spring at this point? They also announced maybe a week ago that we may be merging office space downtown with our two sister companies — one company shares a floor with ours, the other takes up the entire floor below ours and is connected by a staircase (the floor below is super swanky and where we’d all move to). It makes sense if we’re all planning to go hybrid. But, if that happens, I’d very likely lose my office and might request to be full-time remote. The appeal of the office to me, outside of the things that are more efficient in person, is that I have a quiet, private space to work in. Huge desk, lots of filing space, bookshelves, coat closet, floor to ceiling windows with great natural light and a view of a plaza with its fountain and mosaic mural. And, I dunno, it’s been a good set-up. I’ve had my own office for like 2/3 of the years I’ve been working and would rather be at home than go back to the cubicle life. My sister’s company hot desks and I don’t know how she handles it. I *think* I’d be approved to be full-time remote if ever I do ask, but I’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. I suspect it’s at least a couple years off at this point.
Also curious about an Ireland update! My boyfriend loves Ireland. His dad is Irish and he, his dad, and his brother have been together on a guy’s trip there a couple times. He wants to go together but it’s kinda low on my travel bucket list.
Glad to hear living together is going smoothly for you guys, @hfantods!
I’ll admit, we already took our Christmas decorations out of storage. It’s not up yet, but maybe this weekend. When I was single and lived alone, I had a small fake tree I’d put up every year, but otherwise didn’t get too into holiday decorating. The boyfriend does like to decorate for the season, to the point that when we moved in together, he kept an eye on where his fall decoration box was throughout the move so that he could whip it out after we’d settled. I think he’s rubbed off on me because now I get excited for it. And because things have felt kinda bleak the past two years, I’ve encouraged decorating a week or two earlier than we “should” — I can enjoy some holiday cheer a little longer.
I will say, for the number of dumb things my boyfriend’s mom has said about COVID, she’s been great about making sure the people who do think it’s a big deal feel safe on the rare occasion we’ve been to her house. (She can think it’s NBD, but you can also tell she’s scared of it sooo.) And then for the most part we keep COVID and politics in general off the table when everyone is together. So hopefully your fiance’s family is able to pull it off in a way that makes people feel safe enough for the family to get together, @hfantods. I was so, so happy to see my family on the west coast this year.
@hfantods Can your fiance ask about family vaccinations? My boyfriend’s aunt and uncle who will be hosting the holiday get-together, the husband is a dentist and the wife helps runs the business. They’ve been no-nonsense about COVID, motivated by both their personal/political beliefs and their source of livelihood. I’m glad they’re the ones hosting. Nobody’s vaccination status in my boyfriend’s family is a secret. Political alignment is all over the place in his family, but even those who think COVID is not a big deal — like his mom, who has said some of the dumbest stuff I’ve heard from anyone I personally know about it — are vaccinated. His stepdad is the only outlier, but he has not done so because of medical issues.
Also, we went to a concert maybe a week ago at a smaller indoor venue that is operating at reduced capacity and required proof of vaccination (the boyfriend’s cousin got turned away at the door because he forgot his card, had to run home to grab it and come back) and masks (required indoors here). It’s the first time we’ve done anything indoors like that and I felt okay with it. Though I will say, the boyfriend getting a breakthrough infection while we we barely did anything changed my feelings a bit about what I’m okay at this point.
My therapist went back to in-person sessions and I’m so glad. It was not great online.
I don’t have underlying conditions and have not given a booster much thought. I’m glad both of my parents have been able to get theirs. My dad got his before a trip we took to the Bay Area for his mom’s funeral, earlier than most because he’d participated in clinical trials and was vaccinated earlier than most (October 2020). I was very glad he was vaccinated before traveling. My sister does have underlying conditions and keeps putting off her booster. She’s brought up getting our boosters together and if it means she gets one, I’d get one. As with all things BMI, using BMI as a standard here seems stupid.
We’re definitely not doing any kind of in-person holiday party this year. Pre-COVID, my company hosted a fair amount of events, including two conferences (one in June, one in December). Early last summer (which feels like a million years ago now even if this year passed quickly?), we were hopeful we could resume some outdoor in-person events and had even planned one for September. We canceled that and our December conference is now virtual. But these were bigger events, not just for staff. I’d say it’s likely we’ll do another virtual staff holiday event like we did last year but I wouldn’t mind if we didn’t. I appreciate the coworkers who had to organize last year’s event, they tried to make it fun, but we did trivia using break-out rooms during at lunch time. I’d rather just have a quiet lunch break. I’d be way more up for a department happy hour since it’s smaller and easier to engage that way but won’t be sad if we do nothing. I really just want bonuses to be back this year.
I believe my boyfriend’s mom’s side of the family will be resuming their annual Christmas get-together for extended family and I’d go to that at this point. Everyone is vaccinated.
I understand why people are saying it. I’m just saying I don’t think he is. None of it matters, though. It’s been two years and like I said several pages ago, all that’s changed are his pants, which were never the actual problem. All the speculating and armchair diagnoses are useless. He needs to work with a therapist, but he’s not going to.