Forum Replies Created
November 12, 2020 at 12:52 pm #964332
All I do with mine is stretches and workouts that are targeted to strengthening back and neck muscle groups. My posture and mobility are remarkably better. I was doing stuff from YouTube for years and while it helped sometimes, I was having serious neck issues and on muscle relaxants constantly.
November 11, 2020 at 5:15 pm #964305Sending you good thoughts, MG!
PT has been a godsend for me. I could barely turn my neck to the left, and was having painful muscle spasms in my neck and back weekly. I’m not happy that the room I was in had unmasked people, but they were very far away from me- probably 40+ feet, behind a plexiglass room divider that was probably ten feet tall and I was only in the room for 8 minutes both times. That is probably the riskiest thing I’ve done.
Repairing my neck has helped me become better at working out at home. I’m lucky that we had a pretty well stocked home gym before Covid hit.
November 11, 2020 at 9:53 am #964260Masks are required at the gym I go to for physical therapy and I warm up in the main area where most of the machines are. It is startling the last few times I have been there- many people have been working out without masks and it’s really turned me off of going there. There are signs literally everywhere that masks are required even while working out and I just don’t understand why so many are not wearing them, and why no one working there is doing anything about it.
We just got invited to family Thanksgiving, and it’s totally safe guys- the host is feeling in good health and is sure they don’t have Covid!
November 2, 2020 at 5:42 pm #963943I am very concerned. I am encouraged by the young voters and the turnout. I’m also just still somehow shocked by the polls. How could this deranged lunatic still have so many supporters?
I’ve been keeping myself incredibly busy and taking on too much to distract myself.
I did get my ballot a couple days ago, voted and turned it in. In the site it says they have it, so….here’s hoping for the best.
October 28, 2020 at 1:32 pm #963776I’m just going to vote in person. It’s close by and I feel more confident it will be counted. I tracked my third ballot on and it’s “pending” being mailed today. I requested it like, a week and a half ago. This is after the two previous never arrived.
October 27, 2020 at 8:57 pm #963738This is what the voting guide says for that-
“The last day to vote a mail-in ballot in-person is Oct 27.”
I actually think me going to vote in person is the way to go right now. I’ve never had a problem getting a ballot before. I applied, asked for another when it never came, and asked again. It’s crazy.
October 27, 2020 at 5:15 pm #963731Today was the last day for early voting for me. My ballot still hasn’t come. It looks like I’ll be voting in person.
September 18, 2020 at 8:53 pm #962349Do you move around a lot because you don’t like the people you befriend? Doesn’t that get costly? I know that it is, because I have moved around a lot for work. Do you get new jobs each time?
At 29- he should be more responsible with money. That’s not offensive. He’s had plenty of time to learn about it, especially when you guys live paycheck to paycheck.
If you both can afford to play around with $100 a week- there is no reason not to save some money. That’s $10,400 a year you could be saving. Even partially saving. Please, get your own account for your own sake. You might need a credit card one day. You might need a car loan, and your credit rating is important. If you don’t get married, and you are careful- one person in your relationship stands a chance of having a good credit rating.
I hope you aren’t banking on a relative dying to inherit money. That’s to be seen- probably not a definite thing. And they could live longer and use that money. Be careful. Saving for retirement is not bad advice, even if you do stand to inherit some money.
September 17, 2020 at 3:38 pm #962295The several overdrafts in one year and bounced rent check are sticking in my mind. How has he paid all of those fees, if you live paycheck to paycheck? Does he have debt? Do you know the state of his finances?
I just can’t even imagine someone being so careless. One bounced check or overdraft as an adult shamed me into being so overly careful ever since. It’s actually amazing that he doesn’t care, and has convinced you it’s not a big deal.
September 17, 2020 at 2:46 pm #962290His irresponsibility causes you a lot of stress. Those are your words. To marry him would be a big financial mistake because of that. Separate your finances. Insist on financial counseling. Be more careful of what you say to friends and coworkers.
It’s interesting that you hadn’t ever spoken of marriage. You can have commitment without marriage. Do you guys communicate? Do you tell him how much his bad choices stress you out? How they are affecting both of your finances? You can say you don’t care about owning a house one day, but wouldn’t it be nice not to live paycheck to paycheck? You could be saving, if he wasn’t reckless.
I know in your rewrite you’re trying to say this was a post about your friends, but the title remains- should you leave your fiancé over something smallish? Most of us have answered that- you just don’t like the answers. It’s worth thinking about that all of us and your “friends” agree.
September 17, 2020 at 12:24 pm #962284I didn’t say you were a bad friend. But if one of your friends had a problem like this, you’d really tell them to keep trying to make it work? Are men in short supply wherever you are? Why are you such a proponent of making it work?
All of the behavior you’ve described is disrespectful. He doesn’t care how many times he overdrafts your accounts. He doesn’t care if his inaction puts more work on you.
All men are not lazy. I have never dated a man who didn’t clean up after themself. Shitty men are probably fine with calling it laziness when the truth is, he just doesn’t give a shit enough to check his budget or pick up after himself. If he can fix hurting your feelings, why can’t he pull his fair share?
Why do you badmouth your boyfriend to people you’ve just met? You must have said a lot if they, having barely known him, believe you should break up with him.
But what do we know, right? Obviously, he’s got all those other great qualities you haven’t yet listed.
You can stay with this immature man if you want. But is that what you want? If you don’t want children, why are you mothering a grown man?
If you don’t want people to think your bf sucks, stop bitching about him.