Morning Quickie: “My Husband Wants to Move, But I Don’t”

I have been married twelve years and my husband is the stepfather of my now adult children. I adore my kids. But my husband wants to move up north to a warmer all-year-round climate. He is much older than I am and I am a young person by nature and I love young people. We are opposites in this way. The issue is I don’t want to move to the other end of the state, but he is adamant to sell the house and move up north, agreeing to visit the kids in the caravan occasionally. I am worried I will resent this move and him. I am hot and cold ….

“My Online Boyfriend Won’t Make Time for Me”

I live in Florida and I have a boyfriend who lives in Texas. We have been together for almost a year now. In the very beginning things were wonderful and blissful. We would text every day and/or talk on the phone, and then we started video chatting almost every day. He has all the attributes I have been looking for. I will admit we have never seen each other face to face, but he has made promises to me that you could only imagine. He even has told me his love for me is unconditional. For my birthday last year he even gave me a promise ring, and on video chatting he…

Morning Quickie: “My Family Thinks My Lesbian Relationship is Disgusting”

I am a 49-year-old woman who is, and has been for the past twenty-one years, a full-time caregiver for my now 95-year-old mother and 53-year-old brother with Down’s syndrome. I have seven brothers and sisters who don’t give me any help or support. Seven months ago I met a lovely woman on a gay online dating site. She has been over to visit me on several occasions, but my mother has behaved dreadfully towards her since, without realizing that my mother had no idea I was gay, my girlfriend told her that we were in a relationship. I think this shocked my mother, but, as time went on, I think she forgot…

“My Baby’s Dad is in Jail and I Can’t Support Us”

I got married to Dan at 18 and right after graduation, and one year and two months later I gave birth to our daughter, Katie. Six months after she was born, Dan and I separated and his contract with the military was up. I allowed Katie to live primarily with him because he lived with his parents once we moved off base and I didn’t feel like my living situation was stable enough for her. His parents are wealthy and he was a great dad. I did the right thing for Katie, but I struggled with finances and keeping even a waitress job. My emotional state became more and more deteriorated and…

Shortcuts: “Why Does My Ex Still Have Pictures of Me on Facebook?”

New readers, welcome to Dear Wendy, a relationship advice blog. Read some of the most popular Dear Wendy posts here. If you don’t find the info you need in this column, please visit the Dear Wendy archives or the forums (you can even start your own thread), do a search in the search bar, or submit a question for advice at wendy(AT) It’s time again for Shortcuts. For every question, I’ll give my advice in just a few sentences because sometimes the answer to a person’s question is so obvious and the need to hear it so great that being as clear and frank as possible is simply the best way to…

“Should I Tell My Colleague I Have a ‘Girl Crush’ on Her?”

Early last year I developed extremely strong feelings (characterized in other ways as a straight girl crush) on a colleague in the same work section as me. The feelings are platonic, not sexual. She is married and I am engaged. When I first became aware that I had feelings for this person, I was really scared. For much of last year I tried to put on an indifferent attitude so that she wouldn’t show me much interest. I think in the process I was very callous/rude, and towards the tail end of last year I could tell that she had given up and, further, had probably confided her frustrations to her group…

Morning Quickie: “Should I Tell My Friend Who Just Had a Miscarriage When I Go Into Labor?”

I’m 35 weeks pregnant with my first child, and I am so excited for my upcoming delivery. However, my best friend just had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. This lady is the nicest person in the world, and my heart breaks for her and her husband. They’ve struggled for years with fertility issues, and they conceived their son (now 4) via IVF. This pregnancy would have been their long-desired second child. She hadn’t announced her pregnancy yet, so, while I suspected she was going through the process again, I didn’t know for certain until the miscarriage. She will have to have the fetus surgically removed, which I’m sure just adds insult to…

Morning Quickie: “My Husband’s Relationship with His Sister Freaks Me Out”

Letter deleted per request of the LW. The gist is that after moving to her new husband’s european country, she was weirded out by the very familiar relationship he had with his sister, whom he shared a bathroom with, walked around naked in front of, kissed on the lips,and suggested having a foursome with. Oh, and the LW was pregnant and due any day.

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