Morning Quickies: “His Ex’s Daughter Lives With Us and Won’t Stop Disrespecting Me”

My boyfriend and I have been dating almost a year. He was married and divorced and has one biological child, whom I absolutely love, with his ex-wife. After he was divorced, he dated a gal who has two children. When they split up, the woman’s 20-year-old daughter stayed with my boyfriend. She continues to live with him to this day. He does EVERYTHING for her and yet is a little hard on his own biological son. Since I have moved in, she disrespects me all the time. She is a total slob and leaves stuff all over expecting him to clean it up. I have taken on the roll of keeping the…

“I Am Agonizing About Whether to Move”

I have been a single mom raising my daughter for the past 14 years. Her dad moved out of the house when she was three years old. He has been supportive financially. My ex-husband was very close with his parents and never considered moving down south to be near my family. We spent holidays and other celebrations with his parents and his sister’s family. This always bothered me as I was very close with my family and it was one of the reasons we split up. When my parents retired and moved down to Florida a year after my daughter was born, I missed not having them around on holidays and their…

“My Boyfriend’s Mother Won’t Move Out”

I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend, “Robert” for almost nine years. We have three young children as well as a cat, a dog, a rabbit, and some chickens. We bought our dream house four years ago. It may not be everyone’s idea of a dream house as it is a smallish 3-bedroom double-wide, but it is on four acres of land with a breathtaking view and is exactly where I want to raise our children. I love my boyfriend more than anything. We have been through so much together and it seemed as though nothing could ever break the bond we share. But then six months ago his mother…

“Am I Just a Place-Holder for My Boyfriend?”

I love your site, and I couldn’t think of who else to ask. I don’t care if I’m in your column, I just want to know what you think about my relationship(s), if you don’t mind. Mark is my boyfriend. I found him on Bumble this past December, we started dating in January, and he’s just moved in with me while he shops for a house to buy and flip into a rental property. I’ll be deploying in January, and while I’m away, he will hopefully be selected for Special Forces. Our career timelines wouldn’t give me anxiety if it wasn’t for one other variable. Her name is Karen, his childhood sweetheart…

“My Maid of Honor Keeps Ghosting Me”

I have a little situation going on right now where I say something that seems to easily upset my Maid of Honor and she has no hesitation to “ghost” me. The more difficult part is that she not only lives in another state, but also she is my childhood friend and for some reason lately we could be talking about anything — work, her relationship, random topics, etc. – and she will get short with me saying, “K…talk to you later…I should be alone right now…”. I truly don’t understand, and when I asked her about it and we discussed it, I thought we were all good, but then something I said…

“He Showed His New House to Another Woman Before He Showed It to Me!”

I dated a guy on and off for a year before he moved back to his former city to be closer to his son and family. A year after the move, we resumed “dating” long-distance for about seven months. We started making plans for my visit and discussed my possibly moving at a later date. During this time he reconnected with old friends, including someone he used to date (long distance also) with whom he had some bad experiences. (She once drove for hours to curse him and trash his house. She also broke into his phone – after he had forgiven her and they had hung out as friends – and…

Morning Quickies: “I’m Still Living with my Ex and I Feel Stuck”

Four years ago I got involved with a man in a relationship that went south very quickly. This man stole my concert tickets and then asked to borrow my car, only to cheat on me and ride another woman around in my car. I forgave him and put our past dealings aside trying to remain friends, but, two and a half years later, this man decided to end our friendship and stop taking my calls. I couldn’t figure out what I had done wrong. Six months after that he lost his job and got kicked out of his apartment. He had nowhere to go, so I decided to be a good person…

“My Boyfriend Went Star-Gazing With Another Woman”

I’ve been together with my boyfriend, “Stan” for four years, we’ve known each other for much longer and have lived happily together for around three years. He is 43, I am 41, and we do have a wonderful relationship, I must say. Stan recently took on a part-time job about 300 miles away, so we see each other about every two weeks (two here, two there). There’s an old female friend of his whom we both know from school who has recently popped her head up. She’s never been married, she had a baby about five months ago, she moved 1000 miles away from the baby’s father (they have no relationship) and…

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