DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    December 28, 2016 at 4:49 pm #666385

    All those plans sound like so much fun! Enjoy Billy Joel, Lady!

    For New Year’s Eve, we were invited to two house parties, one full of twenty-somethings in the city and one of thirty- and forty-somethings in the burbs. We’ll probably go to the first one, which we’ve gone to in years past, and Bassanio bought a bottle of rum on our recent trip for the occasion. Nothing terribly exciting, but it should be a good time.

    December 29, 2016 at 10:28 am #666492

    We are renting a house in the mountains of NH with a couple of friends. My boyfriend will be doing a strenuous hike on New Year’s Day with the friends. I will be cooking a nice meal and drinking while they are hiking. I hike in the winter, but not in certain areas where the conditions are much more challenging. The house also has a hot tub!

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    December 29, 2016 at 10:46 am #666495

    @K That sounds awesome! I’m doing something similar for my 30th B-day in a week, renting a house with a hot tub next to a creek in the mountains, and I’m soooo excited.

    December 29, 2016 at 10:51 am #666498

    Nice, have a great time for your birthday @Stonegypsy!

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    December 29, 2016 at 9:31 pm #666578

    Just wanted to say that I JUST SAW a commercial for that Conair brush!!

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    December 31, 2016 at 11:03 pm #666843

    About to head out for a double date with my husband, my girlfriend, and her newest boy toy. Who knows what the night will bring!

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    January 1, 2017 at 2:53 am #666859

    Billy Joel was INCREDIBLE AND my best friend got engaged. Great night. Hope everyone else had/is having a fabulous evening!

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    January 3, 2017 at 11:32 am #667115

    Happy birthday @stonegypsy! And I’m so glad you loved Billy Joel @ladyinpurple!

    I hope everyone had a lovely new years. I had a great time and also learned that I still love vodka, but vodka definitely does not love me back! Lesson learned in the new year!

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    January 3, 2017 at 11:41 am #667118

    I think things may have fizzled out with the British Gentleman I’ve been dating. Someone else quit at work (for those keeping count: that’s the fifth person on my team of eight to leave since I started here in May) and it actually took me maybe a week or two to realize I hadn’t heard from him because work was such a cluster. Could also be that he has just been busy and I know he’s been in England visiting his family, so I guess we’ll see?

    I was planning to open my dating options back up notwithstanding and have a date this Saturday with a guy I’m actually excited to meet.

    January 3, 2017 at 11:45 am #667119

    @Copa doesn’t it suck when you’re excited about someone and things fizzle? Good luck with your new date 🙂

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    January 3, 2017 at 11:58 am #667121

    It actually didn’t suck that bad because work was so hectic that I truly did not notice. Which probably means I wasn’t as into it anymore? Sucks that it didn’t work out, I suppose, but he traveled so much that it was hard to maintain the initial connection.

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    January 4, 2017 at 11:08 am #667233

    Things continue to go great with my coworker. He needs a better nickname… he plays the banjo so let’s go with Banjo. He got me a sweet Christmas gift. I had had a yankee swap gift exchange (where everyone brings something and there’s stealing of the gifts and whatnot). I had gotten the thing I wanted, but someone stole it from me in the game. So he surprised me a few days later with the same thing. I thought that was pretty thoughtful.

    We’re both Americans living in Europe, so we both went home to our families in the states (different coasts) for the holidays. The night before I left he asked me if his parents asked about his love life, could he tell them about me. (I said of course.) So that’s like a baby relationship talk, I’d say. We were both gone for 2.5 weeks and we talked the entire time.

    I just got back last night and he came over practically as soon as I landed 😀 We have some vague plans for some fun double dates with some of my friends and their SOs that’ll probably happen soon. It’s so nice to be in the beginning stages with someone and have no games or questions or anxiety. He’s very clear about his feelings and intentions. It just feels right.

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