DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • December 22, 2017 at 4:04 pm #730592

    You’re okay, Ale. The holidays are whatever. Don’t paint a picture in your head of everyone living their best holiday life except you. You’ve got 11 days off from work. Enjoy it. Give yourself treats. Get a cozy set of lounge clothes or a sweater in a sale. Get your nails done. Hang out with your parents a bit. Read good books. See a movie. Cook something if you want. Sleep. It’s okay.

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    December 22, 2017 at 6:11 pm #730604

    @Ale I was always in the same boat (my family doesn’t really keep in touch or celebrate holidays for the most part). Realized eventually that holidays are what you make them. They don’t have to be anything. I started putting stuff together like caroling before all my friends took off out of town. And now it’s usually just me and anyone who can’t be with family for whatever reason, watching Christmas movies. One year it was me watching Christmas movies and taking a bubble bath and drinking a bottle of champagne. Just decide to do things you enjoy.

    Happy holidays, all
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    December 22, 2017 at 10:22 pm #730611

    @Ale, I am thinking of you! I’m so sorry you’re feeling lonely. I’ve been noticing several pubs in my area that are doing covered dish dinners at Christmas – you bring a crock pot of something, everyone else does too, they open the bar and keep it open all day and it’s a place for people to go when they don’t have other plans. If I wasn’t going back to Pennsylvania, I would be doing that for sure. My city isn’t huge so I’m sure they probably do this in other cities, too. Do you have any favorite places that might be doing this?

    Also – if you’d like someone to text/chat with during this time, I am more than happy to be there for you. Kate introduced me and @TheHizzy via email a few months ago; if you’d like, I’m sure she can do that with us too. 🙂

    December 24, 2017 at 9:51 pm #730703

    @ale I created my own traditions with friends when I stayed away from home for the holidays. Find something you love and make it your own. Sometimes family is not the best option.

    On a side note…. I have 3 dresses in contention and I can’t decide.

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    December 27, 2017 at 11:41 am #732390

    Hey Ale, I hope you ended up having a nice holiday, or just a day to relax! (I hope everyone else did as well.)

    I’ve been sort of overwhelmed at work (in a good way, just being new is hard and learning a whole new industry/getting ready to do a lot of traveling) so it was nice to have a few days off for Christmas.

    Met up with the man friend in the St. Louis area and went to look at the lights, have a nice dinner. He got us a hotel room with a jetted tub (which I secretly LOVE) and we spent a lot of time relaxing and ya know, being a LDR couple that doesn’t see each other more than once a week!

    My friends from out of state flew into St. Louis and on a whim decided to join us for a drink and they got to meet him. He received favorable reviews! We are spending NYE together too, which considering how shy and introverted he is, his willingness to spend a big night with me and a ton of people he’s never met is very sweet.

    How was everyone else’s holiday? Anyone pick out a wedding dress? Get what they wanted from Santa?

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    December 27, 2017 at 3:31 pm #732394

    @Ale I think the holidays are really lonely for a lot of people. I spent Christmas with just my nuclear family (extended family lives far away) and my parents are separated and don’t get along. It’s our first holiday season with them living separately, but we still got together as a family for dinners and it was incredibly awkward. I felt lonely. I think it’s normal (or at least within the realm of normal). So I try not to spend too much time thinking about what other people are doing or on social media, cause I know it’ll make me feel worse. I’m trying to use my days off of work to do stuff that makes me happy. For me, that’s watching cheesey movies I love (Legally Blonde is playing in the background as I write this and unpack), cooking, playing with my pup. I’ll likely sign up to volunteer at the animal rescue once or twice. I just got back into the city I live in, and it’s COLD (omg is it cold), so I’m pretty happy to hibernate. So, yeah, basically it’s okay to feel lonely, but try not to focus on how merry everyone else seems (cause chances are, they’re not all merry all the time) and treat yo-self.

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    December 27, 2017 at 5:12 pm #732402

    Also, off topic, but has anyone else listened to the podcast Dirty John? It’s a true crime story of a romance that started online. The guy is a con and a creep, and lied (a LOT!) to many women. I listened to the whole thing on my drive home, and it was riveting and astonishing and horrifying in so many ways.

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    December 27, 2017 at 11:05 pm #732409

    Hope everyone’s holidays have been wonderful as well! I went up to my home state (3 states north) with my dog to celebrate Christmas with my family.

    On Christmas day, I got a text from the guy who lives in LA that I hooked up with 2 years ago on Christmas – he was in town visiting his family. I drove home yesterday to see him and apparently now I have a FWB I get to see on Christmas! Haha. He’s a lot of fun and it was great to see him. We had an awesome time together.

    Big news! On Thursday before Christmas I signed a new job offer! It’s the same type of role but a more senior title, more senior responsibilities and a HUGE raise. I will give my notice on Tuesday when I go back to work. I fully intend to be overwhelmed with work for the next 6 months or so, but when I resurface I’d like to go back to LA (I wanted to do that this year, but no dice) to visit a good friend who also lives there, visit my FWB, and see some comedy shows/go to the Comedy Store. 2018 is looking fun!

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    December 28, 2017 at 9:48 am #733357

    @Copa yes! I’ve listened to that twice! Doesn’t it creep you out? And how blindly in love the wife was? Shivers.

    @LadyE congrats on the new job and the FWB!

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    December 28, 2017 at 12:25 pm #734078

    @veritek33 It was SO creepy! I obviously don’t think Debra deserved what happened to her (or her family) at all, but I was so exasperated with her. Some of her actions were breathtakingly stupid, and I wondered where she was at mentally/emotionally that she couldn’t see through him. (I would’ve blocked his creeper ass after how their first date ended.) But since so many women fell for John, I do believe he was as charming as she says. Which is scary. And so is knowing that people like John exist. Online dating seems pretty mainstream now, but I think it generally has a reputation for being less safe. I disagree that it’s inherently less safe, but knowing the advantages it has for psychopaths like John is unnerving. On a happier note, I love that there are people like Skylar Sepulveda out there — and she was only 14!

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    December 28, 2017 at 12:53 pm #734080

    Just logged into Match for the first time in awhile and received this message:

    “I’m not really adventurous and I can work on my athleticism, but I’m a really nice guy. My ex thought I was a decent kisser, but she was a little crazy, so I can’t go by what she thought! Anyways you are very attractive and you have great fashion style!”


    Another guy sent me the same messages three times in a row to let me know he is “a tax attorney involved with horses” and give me his number.

    I can’t believe I am paying for this crap.

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