DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    July 8, 2019 at 9:06 am #847339

    @TheHizzy it’s actually rose gold but hard to tell from the picture! I was worried how it would come together when we had it made but I love it <3

    Also, since it was a joint decision there wasn’t an elaborate proposal story. But he did take me to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner and we drank a lot of our favorite wine and then we went for a walk and he got on one knee and asked me to marry him. It was perfect. Then we went home and watched a movie on Netflix and went to bed by 10 lol.

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    July 8, 2019 at 11:30 am #847370

    @Veritek33 that sounds LOVELY!

    July 8, 2019 at 12:24 pm #847376

    Congrats @veritekk! your ring is lovely! Your evening sounds perfect. 🙂

    July 8, 2019 at 1:16 pm #847385

    Yay @Ver!

    Rose gold is beautiful also! I love that gold too. I think it’ll be interesting as time goes on we’ll be able to tell the age of our rings based on the color of the metal and the type of stone. Gems are making such a big kick right now, and they all look so amazing!


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    July 8, 2019 at 1:29 pm #847388

    Congrats, Ver! So exciting and happy for you both

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    July 8, 2019 at 1:54 pm #847399

    @MG since you know the area – the dinner was at Madisons and the proposal was at the governor’s gardens 🙂

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    July 8, 2019 at 1:54 pm #847400

    @Veritek33 Lovely! I love the color green and blue but could not pull it off on a ring personally, suites your hand well 😉

    I am aiming for an amethyst ring whenever that day occurs.

    July 8, 2019 at 6:43 pm #847428

    That ring is soooo pretty, I love it.

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    July 9, 2019 at 9:03 am #847454

    So I’m an only child and I don’t know sibling dynamics. Apparently now my fiancées sister is mad about the wedding date we would like to have because it’s 8 weeks before her wedding. I’m trying really hard to see her perspective but I just don’t get it. We chose a date that happens to be my grandparents anniversary. They are still around but they are in their late 80s so we don’ know how much time we have left with them and I wanted to honor them in this way.

    Now I’ve been told it’s just too close and that she might want to start having wedding showers that weekend. And that it takes focus from her wedding. We just want a small brunch wedding, all she has to do is show up but she’s telling MofV that this is “too overwhelming” for her.

    I’m willing to admit if I’m in the wrong, but I also don’t want to set a precedent of rolling over and giving the sister whatever she wants (like his parents already do). What do I do?

    July 9, 2019 at 9:11 am #847455

    Yikes dude. I’m sorry you’re going to have to deal with that. People go crazy over their weddings.

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    July 9, 2019 at 9:22 am #847456

    I don’t think you did anything wrong! Two of my cousins (sisters) got married less than three months apart. I don’t think the one who got married second loved that they got married the same summer — I do think she felt like our family was less hyped about hers, but she never made it a big deal. And it was fine! Their weddings were very different and both were super fun. Our entire family made it to both, and we were just as excited for the second sister to get married as the first. I don’t even think you need to justify to her why you picked that date — the dates are TWO MONTHS apart! If your future SIL is intentionally picking that weekend to have wedding showers even though she knows that’s the day you want to get married, she’s being a brat.

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    July 9, 2019 at 9:53 am #847458

    I also offended her by saying we could leave for our honeymoon from her destination wedding (because we can’t afford a wedding and two separate trips next year) and that apparently was rude of me. Because the sole purpose of our trip for her wedding should be to focus on her wedding.

    I just….. I don’t understand that way of thinking. I honest to God just don’t get it. Every destination wedding I’ve been to I’ve turned it into a vacation since we are already buying plane tickets and hotel rooms.

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