DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    March 30, 2021 at 4:41 pm #1032432

    Thanks Cleo!! I love the Ancaster Mill! Are you hoping to go if this all works out? How many people is she planning for? I’m optimistic for the fall. I’m just so tired of all of this though especially with the third wave. Hope we can all pull through.

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    March 31, 2021 at 9:18 am #1032746

    @hfantods How exciting! I hope your family overseas can make it. Did you end up booking the first choice venue you had in mind or did you find something you like more?

    We got our first save the date in over a year recently. It’s for a fall 2021 wedding. I guess we’ll wait and see the state of things as the wedding date draws closer and decide if we’ll participate then. I was pretty relieved that 2020 gave me a break from weddings (the past handful of years felt like wedding after wedding after wedding), but I’d be excited to go to one again by fall.

    March 31, 2021 at 9:23 am #1032749

    Ah the wedding years where month after month are weddings. Then you have the baby years – where it’s all baby showers all the time.

    Then comes the divorce years – which is a very interesting time…

    I figure I’m about 6-10 years away from the next wave of weddings for the kids of my friends and then the cycle starts anew.

    And we shan’t talk about the last round of repeated rites… the funeral years…

    March 31, 2021 at 9:29 am #1032752

    Yeah, my husband is 50 and SO many people are dying. So many funerals. I just made him go and get all the tests on his heart, colon, all that. He’s fit, but so were his friends.

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    March 31, 2021 at 9:46 am #1032759

    I feel like my first round of friend divorces coincided with the peak of my wedding years. More of my friends have gotten married in the past few years (early 30s) than in our 20s, but quite a few of the ones that married in their 20s were getting divorced by our early 30s. A couple are onto their second marriages but those friends have kept their second weddings very low-key. The baby years now seem well underway. I assume there will be lots of babies in the next few years and more divorces, fewer weddings.

    Not really relevant but I recently found out an old supervisor I absolutely HATED just got engaged for the third time. He’s about 50 and remarried when I worked under him to a woman who was my age, which lasted six months. (I assume his relationship was at least part of the reason he was a very angry supervisor. He carried a baseball bat everywhere and would take angry practice swings in his office. Normal!) He then went on to date a woman who was half his age and made everyone so uncomfortable talking about his new girlfriend’s age that HR had to get involved. That eventually ended. His new fiance is yet another woman half his age. I thought he was gross so I’m stunned that women my age and younger want to date or marry him.

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    March 31, 2021 at 10:05 am #1032767

    I’m supposed to go to a wedding in May. Its a second marriage and I’m just not super excited about it. I’m vaccinated, but I know these people, while socially liberal, are a bit woowoo on vaccines. Anyway, it WAS supposed to be a super simple taco truck fest. Now, it’s a full on wedding. With a registry full of stuff for their second home (a RENTAL PROPERTY). ANdD the wedding website is all about their lives as entrepreneurs with links to their businesses. She’s just.. it’s a real interesting journey from the super chill art grad I knew. The only reason I’m considering still going (and i’m gonna have to stay overnight… leave the kids with Radiostar and use up one of my precious ‘alone cards’) is a dear friend is planning to go and I would love to spend time with her.
    I’m really selling it.. i know

    March 31, 2021 at 10:14 am #1032770

    @veritek-just saw your news. Mazel-tov!

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    March 31, 2021 at 11:36 am #1032801

    @hfantods I am optimistic by next fall things will be good to go. So am planning for it. I will also be back to working full time so my ability to take time off and not really interrupt anything won’t be an issue either.

    For the size, not sure. I don’t know if they plan to keep it small due to COVID. But my cousin is half Greek so the weddings for my cousins/her siblings were usually quite large. I should really ask and see how things are going hah

    Never been to Ancaster Mills before, but been around the Hamilton area and love the falls and landscape there, such a pretty place (if you ignore the industry on the water hah)

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    March 31, 2021 at 12:58 pm #1032835

    My sister noted a milestone of going to her first second wedding where she also went to the first wedding.

    @copa, we went with another venue that we liked! I forget if I wrote about this but choosing a venue was probably the first time we’ve ever “disagreed” on something. Thankfully we worked through it like in a healthy relationship ?

    I’d say go @MaterialsGirl to see your friend! Well depends on COVID in your area. Ohh that is kind of weird on the registry.

    @cleo that’ll be nice for you to come back and see your family. Right now even in “green” zone, max is 50 people for indoors event and 100 people for outdoors. Hopefully that will ease up with the vaccines.

    March 31, 2021 at 2:07 pm #1032865

    My favorite passive aggressive move is to buy a very nice picture frame that is not on the registry and put a note that it’s to show off their new life together.

    A not as often more aggressive than passive move is to make it ugly as sin.

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    March 31, 2021 at 3:33 pm #1032900

    Glad you guys found a great new venue, @hfantods! What’s the vibe of the venue? I feel like “industrial chic” has been popular here for… awhile. I’ve really liked some of the loft venues friends and fam have picked. You know what else I’m a fan of at weddings? Late night snacks.

    I have enough friends having babies right now that several have told me I can use their kids in my wedding one day if I’d like. Heh.

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