Covid Support Thread
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@List, I didn’t realize you were in PBC. I lived in Stuart for five years after college until I moved here. I used to love shopping at in Palm Beach Gardens, years and years ago.
I will say, part of the reason I stopped looking at FB is all of the acquaintances I had from my Florida days. Nearly everyone I knew are hardcore republicans.
LisforLeslieJuly 13, 2020 at 11:01 am #897112@ktfran -my folks moved to Boca about 8-9 years ago. For the past few years I’ve come down to avoid winter. I have a bunch of relatives nearby in Boynton Beach and South Palm Beach. If you’re from NY or NJ and you’re Jewish, it’s kinda the law. You gotta move down to Palm Beach county. My uncle, ever the blacksheep, has been doing winters in Naples.
I barely know the area – in the before times my mom and I would go to the movies or shows but I never drove. Now I can drive to Publix or another fancy grocery store.
This year I got stuck and I’ve been in no rush because my being here keeps my mom from taking more risks (she’s very rational but everyone has their limits/risk profiles).
Miss MJJuly 13, 2020 at 2:31 pm #897245I’d been feeling more positive, but I just, I dunno, feel pretty hopeless about all of this right now. I feel like we’re all just stuck in this disaster until January, when Biden (please god!!) is sworn in and someone will actually DO SOMETHING about this virus, the economy, the corruption, everything. I mean, even if we got a vaccine by the end of the year, does anyone think Trump & Co. have anything resembling a plan to roll it out effectively? No. Of course not. It’ll be January at the earliest before anyone makes the government do what it needs to do to make any of this happen. And, god help us if Biden loses.
I knew it would be bad when Trump was elected. Really bad. But, I honestly did not think it would be this bad. Literally everything is fucked up, in acute crisis or operating in utter chaos. What kind of person would look around at this country and think “I want four more years of this?”
CA has gone back into closures – but my company is still going to require everyone to work in the office. we’re an essential sector, so they can do that. We’re also a very conservative sector so only half the people in the office are wearing masks. of those, probably 1/4 are covering their nose. It’s all very discouraging. I’ve been reading some pre-pub research papers which say people may contract it again, and that terrifies me. I never ever want to feel like that again.
If I didnt have kids I would probably be weighing my options heavily.
July 13, 2020 at 5:04 pm #897351@MissMJ I feel you so hard. I’ve gone through a lot of swings over this whole nonsense and I’m definitely feeling like it’s a low point now. My state has been ok at managing it, but it doesn’t seem like schools are ready to go back in session.
And our President is so. Fucking. Stupid. He’s still on about lowering testing to make our numbers look better. And 38% of people are still like “yeah, that’s my guy.”
If he wins again (by electoral college shenanigans or simply cheating), how are we going to survive this? Our national trajectory will be what? We just keep letting people die for another 4 years? Eventually they will stop paying for testing and treating it and now not only will it possibly be death sentence, it will also bankrupt anyone who contracts it who isn’t already a millionaire.
I’m just so out of hope for the future.
July 13, 2020 at 5:43 pm #897381I knew it would be bad, but I never would have thought it could be this bad. He has failed in every single way. He’s torn the country apart. It’s actually amazing how completely he’s fucked this country. He’s winning at killing Americans. Can you believe the numbers!?
But his supporters don’t see that. They still believe in “American Exceptionalism.” My conservative, trump-loving father called me yesterday. We barely speak now. Within minutes he was making comments about masks and how our numbers are only so high because we’re testing more than any other country. I just ended the call. I can’t deal with anyone anymore.
LisforLeslieJuly 14, 2020 at 6:11 am #897846@ron – I’m equally as stunned by people who continue to stand behind him. I want to believe that there is something I’m missing but I think the reality is simply that some people can’t admit when they are wrong. And given the divisiveness of politics & belief today and the lack of nuanced thinking (If I’m wrong that means you’re right and you can’t be right so therefore I can’t be wrong) people dig in.
And a lot of those people are single issue voters who refuse to listen to anything else but that one single issue. These are people who don’t understand Pyrrhic victory.
My new fave on that front is GA governor Kemp who’s pissed that the GA abortion ban was overturned as unconstitutional. Because if you REALLY believed all life was precious you’d fucking close the state or demand masks and call for further investigations into Aubrey’s death. But no – you care about keeping women in their place, but if brown people die – “no big whoop”.