Covid Support Thread
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July 16, 2020 at 5:17 pm #900166
Welp the governor of Colorado is finally requiring masks for all retail establishments. This comes after stores are finally making their own rules about requiring masks (before it was just highly encouraged WTF) The official ruling is only for 30 days though – sigh. Hopefully the stores hold up their own rules regarding mask wearing for the foreseeable future.
Then – on another note. My MIL and BIL were here from Wed thru Monday morning – a few too many days for me. And I will not have them here again until this thing is over. They don’t wear masks and my MIL had been going to casinos. I didn’t think she’d been to one in the last 2 weeks before coming but she wouldn’t tell me. I don’t understand her. I don’t think she’d survive it at all. Walking 10 feet puts her out of breath (Like really out of breath) – that’s how out of shape she is (plus other medical conditions she has). So I’m holding my breath for the next IDK 10 days or so. I’m just angry at them for being so callous. It is partly my fault too – I shouldn’t have let them come. But at least now I know better.
July 16, 2020 at 8:17 pm #900301It was just announced that our public schools are probably going to have to split classes and teach each group of kids two days a week to be able to keep them six feet apart in school. Things might change. I’m not sure how I feel about it.
I’m getting antibody tested next week if I can find an appointment. All the labs near me say they’re booked, but I’m going to go in anyway.
HelenJuly 17, 2020 at 4:54 am #900684There’s one or two non Americans following this thread, I’m curious what your country’s thoughts on the current American situation are. Do they think we’re all idiots who are getting what they deserve? Do they pity us because we’re held hostage to the ego of a buffoon who clearly has dementia? How does your country treat immigrants and where do I sign up??
My husband has been talking about getting a gun. He’s worried things are going to get bad enough around here that we’ll need one. I’m vehemently opposed. We have young kids & I hate guns. Always have. I have a history of mental illness and proximity to guns is one of the largest risk factors of suicide. Im not suicidal, but I don’t believe in taking chances when it comes to guns. I told my husband that a few states were getting the virus under control & if GA becomes that dangerous we’d head the fuck out. I hope that whole conversation was just stress & anxiety bubbling over.
LisforLeslieJuly 17, 2020 at 5:46 am #900723@Helen your husband sounds like he has some irrational fear (totally normal, we all have our fears and these times do not make it any easier) and his first thought is “If I have a gun I’ll be safer” but the question is safer from what?
Seriously, safer from whom? Does he think BLM is going to storm the gates? The Sons of the Confederacy? Who’s coming after your home? Talk to him and see if he can put into words who is coming – hopefully he’ll see he’s being ridiculous.
HelenJuly 17, 2020 at 7:04 am #900753lisforleslie I did ask him what he wants a gun for and his main worry seems to be food insecurity. He was imagining food becoming scarce & our well armed neighbors taking our food. He had just read an article about processing plants shutting down & aluminum can shortages. He recognizes this is a reaction to stress & anxiety. Doing something, anything, feels better than doing nothing. We are fully masked when out of the house & stay home except for essentials, but I get it. He feels powerless & also feels responsible for protecting his household. I think talking it out helped. Fortunately, we’re too broke for a gun & accessories.
FyodorJuly 17, 2020 at 7:11 am #900755@anonymousse, My understanding is that the school parameters are governed partially by the yellow/green status of your county, so I would expect things to potentially change between now and late August. Also, obviously once there’s an outbreak in any given school, all bets are off. Some of the green counties rapidly sh*t the bed-hopefully things will go better in yours. I’m not trying to be gloom and doom-just emphasizing it’s a pretty fast-shifting situation.
FyodorJuly 17, 2020 at 7:19 am #900757@Helen @LFL I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of their being some kind of major social unrest. Lots of people are facing evictions. The social fabric has been frayed by all the grotesque impositions of the last few months. Would you bet on everything holding together for another year until the country is vaccinated? Maybe it will, but it’s not an outlandish concern. I’m about as anti-gun as they come. I’d ban them if I could. But I’m not sure that your husband is being irrational.
July 17, 2020 at 8:07 am #900763Oh, I absolutely believe schools will be closed again. It’s just a matter of time.
Helen, I’m sorry. I am totally anti gun as well and I wouldn’t be happy if there were one in my house.
I don’t know, things are starting to fray in the county I live in. While I live in a county that has a large white-collar workforce that can and is still working from home, the chatter is getting more ominous. A lot of the chatter is concerns over furloughs and layoffs in Sept and Oct and these are attorneys, biologist, network security professionals. A good portion have had their salaries reduced and in our area mortgages are HUGE. My husband is/was a hunter before I met him, so we still have a lot of his rifles, and even he is expressing the same fears that Helen’s husband is. My husband is a scientist and understands a lot of the information the medical community is putting out and just is amazed at the complete inaction of the country as a whole. I work in a public HS and that is getting batshit crazy. We are interviewing for a front-office position and we specifically picked a person who currently works in a dentist office because they would be comfortable wearing PPE all day. LET THAT SINK IN. Also, that person would be the one responsible for taking temperatures of late arrivals (which there are a lot of in HS). The complete inaction of the federal government is leading up to some major social upheaval and unrest. I don’t know what form that is going to take but it is definitely happening now and will continue to happen until something changes, what that is I don’t know.