Covid Support Thread

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    March 20, 2020 at 10:23 am #878109

    Oh, no, Helen! Is your husband feeling any better today? Kids still asymptomatic?

    March 20, 2020 at 10:28 am #878110

    I’m sorry Helen!! That sucks.

    4 different sources now that our Governor has a state-wide lock down mandate signed and ready to go whenever he wants to issue it. It’s just a matter of time.

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    March 20, 2020 at 10:29 am #878111

    Hang in there, Helen! We are all pulling for you.

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    March 20, 2020 at 10:30 am #878112

    Where are you, ktfran?

    March 20, 2020 at 10:31 am #878113


    I know CA issued yesterday? And NY just issued a few min ago.

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    March 20, 2020 at 10:42 am #878114

    Yes. Yesterday. LA went first, with the Governor following a short time later issuing the statewide order. Many cities had already instituted this is the days prior, however. It seems a very wise move. Hopefully, it works.

    Going to try to find zen today in placing desert rocks for landscaping. Glad I lingered in out here in Twentynine Palms. But yeah — like everybody else, I am pretty freaked out. Healthy. Bu freaked out.

    March 20, 2020 at 10:52 am #878116

    Thanks guys! Fortunately, this was the first day my husband started feeling better. Kids have nothing but a runny nose and cough. They aren’t at all bothered. They’re going to be screen junkies before this is over. This is why people need to stay home. You go from perfectly fine, zero indications you’re sick, to sick as a dog in a snap.

    March 20, 2020 at 11:21 am #878117

    Sending you good thoughts @Helen.

    March 20, 2020 at 11:48 am #878118

    @Helen – good thoughts your way. Please try to hydrate and rest to the best of your ability. Don’t worry about your kids, their brains will be fine.

    Florida shut the beaches to make the spring breakers go home. A friend is in a panic because her husband, recovering from surgery and needs home health support. The aide that was there yesterday called in sick. No idea if it’s COVID or just a cold.

    The community security team sent out a note saying that if you were under self quarantine you could get a tag for your door. That way the exterminators and other service folks would be appropriately advised.

    And on a lighter note… a friend of mine is a dentist, someone asked her if she could work from home.

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    March 20, 2020 at 1:16 pm #878126

    So, the local grocery is out of almost all fresh meat (like, only steaks are left – no ground beef, chicken, nothing) and no eggs. Limited creamer and someone cleaned out the mashed cauliflower. (For real? This is red FL, I honestly thought I was the only person who even bought frozen mashed cauliflower here.) Also, garbage bags. Someone bought all the garbage bags. Why????

    March 20, 2020 at 1:55 pm #878128

    People are animals.

    I found (at least here) that going every couple of days in the morning works. The stores have restocked meat and produce in the mornings.

    Trash bags and paper products, no effing clue. I haven’t been in a store yet with paper products available.

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    March 20, 2020 at 2:16 pm #878130

    I think the panic shopping will subside. (I’ve read Italy went through this and after a couple weeks stores were stocked as normal.) The cashier at my grocery store last weekend said it’s a total crapshoot what you’ll find at the moment — that they might be well stocked on eggs for two days, then out for two more, for example. If you can get to the store early, that’s ideal.

    I bought some extra groceries last weekend — more than for my normal week but not hoarding. I think I’ll be okay for another week at least. For produce, I tried to mix up what I bought to make sure some have longer shelf lives so that I can still have fresh produce without going to the store. I wish I had more frozen greens on hand (LOVE my greens), but they were out. I’m heading to my boyfriend’s this afternoon and I know he’s also well stocked. I’m generally more worried about this than he is but he sent me a pic of his haul from last week and he bought WAY more. I’m actually pretty curious to see how long it’ll be before we genuinely need to go to the store.

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