Covid Support Thread
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- This topic has 3,741 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
So yeah, I guess it was two summers ago (seems like longer) that our hot water heater burst in the middle of the night. Our downstairs neighbor came knocking on our door. The husband immediately turned off the water and we apologized profusely. Luckily, the damage to our floor and his was minimal, but yeah, I was mortified and we def apologized.
Thanks everyone.
Apparently it is our insurance that covers it, not hers, even though we had nothing to do with this. They probably don’t cover hotel stays but I’ll ask. And then all the food that we have to get from restaurants too. And our Hello Fresh box arrived today but we have no way of preparing any of that food. I’m pissed off, but mostly just stressed and upset.
January 26, 2021 at 6:07 pm #1009402Hmm. Maybe it’s different for different states, but while your insurance will cover your damages from the inside of the drywall into your unit, typically they will sue or bill back the at-fault insurance. There was a toilet that overflowed and hit all the 09 units in the apartment I lived in previously. They had a case number assigned that we had to give to insurance.
Anyway, this really really sucks, Kate. For all the reasons of annoyance, pandemic, absolute irresponsibility, etc. I hope the HOA fines her assI hope so. My parents actually own the unit and it’s their insurance. (They lived here for a long time but wanted a change a few years ago and the location was perfect for us so we moved in instead of them selling it. They live on cape cod now). My dad has been on the phone with the insurance company today and is working it out with them. He’s the calmest person imaginable, plus he’s mostly retired so he has time. I think he thinks how the neighbor is handling it is fucked up but he’s being diplomatic.
My stress reaction to this was waaaayyy more than it would be in normal times. I was hyperventilating and crying. Definitely would have lost it if I didn’t have to get on zoom. Like, your home is all you have right now, if you have one. It’s supposed to be a safe space.
golfer.galJanuary 27, 2021 at 7:40 am #1009430Oh my goodness, I am so sorry this happened. Being forced out of your home in the middle of a pandemic and having all sorts of repair and insurance people coming through your space would understandably be panic inducing. Definitely keep receipts/a record of the total costs including food delivery. This may be worth a consultation with a lawyer? Especially if the neighbor is being super sketchy and avoiding responsibility. I’d have to think there is recourse to recoup the money in small claims court or something? She may even know that to be true and is taking this tack to try to avoid paying.
Omg. I’m in a 2-hour meeting where we’re presenting to some business partners. My co-worker is the one sharing the deck, and she’s so bad with tech. Instead of just sharing the PowerPoint window on zoom and then going into slideshow mode, she went into some convoluted presentation mode that no one uses. Whenever she would speak, it would transcribe her words into text at the bottom. At one point I was presenting my slides and she was on mute, but somehow it was still transcribing her, and she was on the phone with someone saying how she’s in this long meeting and is so cold and hasn’t even peed. I can’t.
January 27, 2021 at 10:05 am #1009439Sounds like a regular Wednesday in my son’s zoom class, sadly.