Covid Support Thread
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January 4, 2022 at 10:35 am #1101523
We only had one box with two tests. My husband had gone to a site the day before and tested negative for work purposes.
Also, we tried to stay apart and masked the first few days, but two days after he was feeling bad, I was sick too. Our children who are double vaxxed never had any symptoms.
LisforLeslieJanuary 4, 2022 at 12:46 pm #1101526Oof – I hope everyone is feeling better soon. My mom is considering a fourth booster. She’s become immunocompromised and she’s nearing the 6 month mark for her 3rd shot.
We should arrange boosters and dental appointments together. Every six months. In out, clean, vaxxed. Easy Peazy.
I ordered some at-home tests online earlier.
We were able to get together with some family over the holidays. Like a lot of you, we know quite a few people who got sick last month or who are sick now (including fully vaccinated and recently boosted folks and in one case, a second breakthrough) so we were testing before get-togethers to try to keep things safe. Today we found out that a family member we saw on Sunday has COVID. So, I’m back to trying to figure out when to test after a known exposure. We have one box of at-home tests left and I don’t want to waste any. But I do have a headache and am a little phlegmy. I, too, feel like it’s inevitable that I’m going to get it eventually and feel like I may as well just have it now.
We booked a trip to Mexico in about a month. I was/am excited to take the boyfriend there. I spent a lot of time there growing up (my mom is from there) and haven’t been in years. Now that feels up in the air. Everything is refundable, so at least there’s that.
Fellow Chicagoans and others in places where hospitals are filling up, be extra careful out there, as in, don’t slip on the ice or slice your hand or get hit by a bus or whatever. A friend tested positive for Covid and a few days later started having chest pains. She went to Rush and waited 15 hours to see a dr. 15 hours!! She went in at 11 am yesterday and saw someone at 4 am this morning. She counted about 40 people who heard the wait time and left.
My hope is that we all get through the next couple of months without serious incident, including serious Covid.
LisforLeslieJanuary 5, 2022 at 9:37 am #1101561As mentioned elsewhere I’m packing up and moving. I talked to a mover yesterday and he was bitching about new rules in NY that require everyone to be vaccinated and it’s hard dealing with the paperwork. I just stayed silent because fuck yes everyone should be vaccinated especially if they are going in and out of different homes every day.
On a side note – how the hell do I have so much stuff?
Good luck w/ your move @lisforleslie. It’s def an excellent time to purge.
January 5, 2022 at 10:59 am #1101567I am a bad purger, frequent moves and growing up with a depression era hoarder in the family have made me the opposite. To the point where I just donated all my old clothes that didn’t fit and then lost a bunch of weight.
I would take what you absolutely must have that you love and get rid of everything else if you can. That’s not a popular view, I know. And it helps if you’re an unsentimental minimalist.
You can get rid of all your winter wear when you get to he airport, right? I bet that will feel so good.
Tested negative for COVID today after Sunday’s known exposure. Plan to continue hunkering down a bit longer in case the test is wrong. I am a little phlegmy and headachy, though that could be anything. Given how cold and windy it is here, staying home is fine by me.
Regarding *stuff*, I’ve been living in this condo with my boyfriend for 1.5 years now (time has flown!?) and feel like we constantly have a donation pile going and even though we get rid of a decent amount of stuff every few months, I still feel like we have a lot. Like where is it all coming from, how do we still have so much? Neither of us shop for new items THAT often. Anyway, good luck with the move!
LisforLeslieJanuary 5, 2022 at 11:59 am #1101569It’s been easy to just ignore stuff that’s neatly stored away or falls into sentimental categories. I wasn’t home during most of 2020 – I didn’t Marie Kondo like the rest of the world. So I’m doing that now. Every time I open a drawer I’m confronted with stuff: picture frames, old yearbooks, a box of silk scarves, costume jewelry from my grandma, the bible my dad got when he was bar-mitzvahed. And I’m being pretty brutal. Most of that shit will be donated or trashed. I don’t need it, I don’t use it, I don’t want it.
I already sent two big boxes of craft stuff to my niece in Ohio. I have a huge donation pile to be picked up in two weeks (still growing that one). I’m bringing almost no furniture. I found Kaiyo and I do not care if they scam me and don’t actually sell the stuff – I’m happy to pay $200 for them to take away the bulk of my furniture and make it go away. If they do sell something and I make a buck or two back … bonus!
But even though I’m being brutal-ish – I still have packed 14 or so boxes of crap and I have probably another 10 or so to go because I have… so… much… stuff.