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    April 28, 2020 at 12:04 pm #884771

    Helen, I’ve probably been ordering Doordash entrely too much lately! I’m so glad drivers can just leave my order at the door. And one of my favorite local restaurants just opened back up for delivery! (I always tip, how can anyone not tip?!?)
    It was announced yesterday that the 6 counties in my area (Bay Area, CA) are staying in SIP mode til end of May. Which isn’t surprising. The stores around here are requiring masks to enter, and I feel like most people are doing everything they’re supposed to do. I went on a hike with my bf over by the coast (which is a 15 minute walk away) and there were people walking around, in masks, and those without were keeping their distance.
    I wish my workload would lighten up- I have 2 school projects under construction and they’re not slowing down. At least I can sit and have the door open and listen to the birds chirping.

    April 28, 2020 at 12:09 pm #884772

    The GOP has completely stepped away from reality. In a weird way the idiotic Orange will slow re-opening after he ran Kemp over, looked in his rear view mirror and backed over him and then ran over him one more time. He made it clear that he will throw Governors under the bus if things go tits-up. Basically he’s on one side saying “We gotta open up!” while McConnell is like “No bailout!” and both of them are saying to the state leadership “We take no responsibility if your people die – that’s on you. And we won’t help you come up with a plan, nor will we provide you state level data nor will we help you get testing done so you can get the data you need to make smart decisions – so you just do what’s in your gut and then if you’re wrong… we’ll just shake our heads at you and say “That wasn’t smart.”” While Pence stands there with one of his two looks: 1. when Trump talks he goes to his far away place where he stares off looking for Jesus in the corner of the room 2: When anyone else is talking, he listens and nods.

    So Florida is now like “do what you think is best small business owner but it’s on you if it doesn’t work out for you.” So people are going to die. Hopefully it’s the stupid people – but there are no guarantees are there?

    April 28, 2020 at 12:29 pm #884773

    We don’t order out or pick up much right now, but when we do, we tip generously. We were always 20% tippers, but now it’s more like 40%. It’s important for me to make small gestures to try and help people where I can.

    April 28, 2020 at 12:30 pm #884775

    I have a friend who works for Zifty, and she says that basically no one tips. If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t actually afford delivery/take out/dining out.

    Living in GA, the only thing I can tell myself to feel better is that at least we’re not Alabama, but Helen’s right that we’re really basically at the same level of asshattery. We just have a bigger oasis than Alabama because we have Atlanta. Kemp is really going for it right now, though.

    LisforLeslie, I did love seeing Trump throw him under the bus, though watching Trump supporters (who are also Kemp supporters, typically) trying to do the mental gymnastics required to support both of them has been fun. Especially because I feel like Kemp thought he was going to be given a nice pat on the head by Trump for this nonsense. Hopefully that reaction does cause other governors to hesitate before reopening.

    At least two of the counties that make up Atlanta (Fulton and Dekalb) are supposed to have the CDC going around and doing antibody testing to see how far Covid has spread… but we’re just nowhere near ready to open. The whole thing makes me want to pack my bags and move somewhere that believes in science.

    April 28, 2020 at 12:32 pm #884776

    McConnell is the the devil reincarnate. Literally. I believe literally anyway.

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    April 28, 2020 at 12:49 pm #884781

    I agree. Mitch is fucking Satan himself. Sigh…

    Honestly? The fact that no horrible politicians on either side of the aisle have died from this is profoundly depressing. If only Rand Paul had simply kept going to work untested. Seeing COVID-19 rip through both houses would have made this all very worth it. Oh well. Whatever.

    April 28, 2020 at 12:59 pm #884782

    Mitch (turtle without a shell made of melting putty) deserves it if anyone does.

    April 28, 2020 at 1:07 pm #884785

    @Bittergaymark – I’ve been daydreaming about the time I will get to airbnb at the place you are designing. One thing you’re very good at – helping build and foster dreams. It’s helped me get through the craziness myself.

    I’m essential and working in the office a few days a week. I’ve been surprised by the increase in freeway traffic recently. A lot more people are on the road during my commute time than when this began. I’ve also seen more people without masks walking their dogs through my neighborhood and stuff. At least most try to stay away from each other.

    There was a protest here recently…but it was attended by a whole two people. One was dressed like an escapee from a Hamilton production. Pretty funny.

    April 28, 2020 at 1:35 pm #884790

    LisforLeslie nailed it. Guess who’s back in the er?? My husband found me on the floor coughing till I repeatedly vomited. Been here for a min but they’re ignoring me. Sitting in a hallway with some other poor soul as I cough and cough. Didn’t have much of a cough till today. I just want to lay down. Last time I was here I was whisked immediately into a bed. Today the nurse stuck me in a hallway and reassured me they wouldn’t forget about me. My vitals are good though, despite how I feel.

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    April 28, 2020 at 1:39 pm #884791

    Oh, no! Stay strong, Helen! Everybody is pulling for you!!

    April 28, 2020 at 1:46 pm #884793

    Thanks BGM! I just read about the NYC dr who killed herself after working with Covid patients and contracting it herself. Trying to keep my spirits up but god it’s so grim.

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    April 28, 2020 at 1:53 pm #884794

    Yeah, there’s also a cute young EMT who did the same. Very sad. After only 3 months on the job, too. He just got so overwhelmed. I can see why.

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