He made a 2 weeks vacation plan without me.

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  • This topic has 88 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Ashley.
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    January 16, 2019 at 9:32 pm #816031

    Sometimes traveling without your partner is innocuous. My sister backpacked solo through Japan because a) she likes traveling alone b) Japan had been a dream of hers but her girlfriend didn’t really want to go there c) her girlfriend couldn’t afford to come or get that much time off work. She talked about the trip all through the planning stages, stayed in touch with her girlfriend constantly, and did so much sightseeing during the day that she barely got up anything at night. Definitely no partying.

    That’s how people who respect their significant others travel without them. This situation is not.

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    January 16, 2019 at 9:36 pm #816033

    Oh wow. Just saw your last update. He is going to “revisit his past self” (aka his single life) and plans to stay with a woman he met online? He basically told you he intends to cheat on you. Time to have enough self-respect to dump him, immediately. Don’t let him do that to you.

    January 16, 2019 at 9:37 pm #816034

    I don’t know, but given your updates, I’d even be more inclined to say he wants a carefree trip (carefree, i mean a trip without any stress he might feel would hinder his vacation with his old friends because his girlfriend is there) and so having you there at the end would be fine with hime, but me personally, if I had been with someone for 3 years, i would hace brought this trip up and let it be known what I was up to. I backpedaling now with cheating stance but I simply think he just wants time away and enjoy what comes with hanging out with old friends with the same interests. I don’t think you need to MOA as it’s been said but rather lay your thoughts and feelings out and get a direct answer without a fight. Btw… did he know your plans for his bday to this place ahead of when he entered into this trip commitment?

    January 16, 2019 at 9:40 pm #816036

    Btw, whoever runs this site, it would be nice if when typing up a somewhat long reply on our phones if the ad’s wouldn’t spring up and take away my screen when trying to type and have to stop to “X” them out every 4 seconds

    January 16, 2019 at 9:50 pm #816040

    Staying with a woman he met online? Really? Your relationship is over. Leave now, don’t be the fool. Sketchy as hell.

    January 16, 2019 at 9:51 pm #816041

    Hi notonesided

    Yes he knew. He wanted to dp a take two instead for that plan. Involving the both of us.

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    January 16, 2019 at 9:55 pm #816042

    You’re really not seeing this clearly. He’s a shade ball who is too much of a wuss to dump you and is trying to get you to do the dirty work for him. MOA. Seriously you’re going to cringe when you look back on this.

    January 16, 2019 at 10:03 pm #816043

    This is not how a healthy relationship works. Traveling solo is one thing, but to plan a weeks-long solo vacation in your girlfriend’s longtime dream destination, WITHOUT TELLING HER, is a really mean thing to do. He couldn’t just vacation somewhere else?! That would be pretty close to a dealbreaker for me. Add in the “reliving his past” and meeting up with rando online women, and yeah…he’s really not husband material. Dump him, keep saving your money and plan your own glorious solo vacation.

    January 16, 2019 at 10:15 pm #816044

    He could have done many trips without me which i was okay with and in fact suggested he saved and went without me. But he has told me many times that he couldn’t think of discovering a new place without me by his side. However, this was way different as he wanted to this for him. To make up his mind about settling down and making peace with his past.

    January 16, 2019 at 10:22 pm #816045

    Stop buying his bullshit. Literally no one in the history of time has taken such a trip for those reasons. He is banging online girl. No doubt.

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    January 16, 2019 at 10:24 pm #816046

    Duds…someone who needs to go on a journey to revisit his past self (with some internet rando no less!) to decide his future with you isn’t interested in a future. Don’t embarrass yourself by waiting around.

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    January 16, 2019 at 10:25 pm #816047

    *dude not duds

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He made a 2 weeks vacation plan without me.

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