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Kate you are just trying to make her feel uneasy and trying to demoralize her . Please girl be strong you’ll be fine and everything will be fine , it’s just time which is making things messy. Be confident and do whatever you think is right for you. Don’t be a puppet.
Kate is a moderator of the forums and can see your IP address. She can honestly clearly see it’s you and also you responding to yourself. It’s hilarious that you’d pretend otherwise even after she called you out. It’s foolish. As is staying with a sexist pig who wants your life to be about his.
Time isn’t what is making anything messy, it’s him fundamentally wanting you to exist in his life as human furniture and you telling yourself “love” will make it okay.
He doesn’t give a shit about what you want in life and if that doesn’t make you run, enjoy putting your dreams on a shelf for someone who wouldn’t even consider it for you.
Yes, you do. Look in a mirror. You’re making a fool out of yourself in more than one way.
LOL, okay. I’m not the person writing in under two names to give myself the advice I apparently want to hear about my shitty boyfriend. Whatever gets you off, I guess.