Dear Wendy
Forum Replies Created
August 30, 2017 at 11:04 am #698807
Have fun, MissDre!
For what it’s worth, what I would advise someone who isn’t ready to get married but wants to take the temperature of her partner to see if marriage is something he wants in the future, and when he thinks he sees it happening, I would not share a specific timeline. I would say something like, “I see myself being married in the next three years or so, what about you?” And “I’m enjoying how our relationship is developing and I can see moving across the world to be with you, but if and when that happens, I’m going to need a serious commitment first.” For someone who is not ready for marriage yet, I think these kinds of statements are enough and that specific timelines — particularly if you truly aren’t ready to get married — are overkill. If you aren’t ready to get married right now, how can you say you’re going to be ready in 9-12 months or that that’s your goal? You really shouldn’t be thinking of a date, even a vague one, if you aren’t actually ready yet.
August 21, 2017 at 12:01 pm #697787Woah, yeah, this guy doesn’t sound high quality; he sounds nuts! Talking about “us” after hanging out platonically three times, telling you he sees “your worth” (I would have bolted after that alone!). These are not signs that a guy is into you — these are red flags that something is wrong with him. A guy who is interested in you will do the following within the first three dates:
Ask you out again;
Ask and remember some of your interests, some details about your life, what your schedule and availability is;
Compliment you a few times in a non creepy way (“You have a nice smile” “I like your laugh” “You have a great sense of humor” “You’re fun to hang out with”);
*Maybe* ask what you’re looking for, relationship-wise.August 8, 2017 at 1:52 pm #696601I’m sorry you’re feeling sad, LadyE. Take it easy on yourself, let yourself be upset for a couple days and then brush this off and move on. I know it’s easier said than done because I’ve been there. But let’s keep it in perspective: this was, what, a 6-week relationship? Two months? You didn’t really know each other very well yet. You were excited about the future, but it was a fantasy so far. I know it’s easy to get caught up in a fantasy, to get excited about someone with whom we have good chemistry and reciprocal interest and attraction. But you need to remember while you are grieving the end of this, that what you are mostly mourning is the *idea* of something, just as what you were most excited about (I think) was the *idea* of something — of having a boyfriend, someone to make plans with, someone to spend time with, someone to love and be loved back by. So… this guy won’t be that guy, and that sucks. But that just means there’s a better match for you.
August 3, 2017 at 2:12 pm #696103Any updates on this, Cancer? I hope you’re putting the marriage on hold until he accepts your name choice. Honestly, he sounds like a sexist control freak and I’d be wary.
I’m also curious, when you say you agree on other gender roles/ traditions, what those are? Is there anything about which you veer from tradition? Because it’s one thing to say you agree on everything else if everything else includes you staying home, being the primary childcare person, the cook, the maid, etc. and he’s the primary breadwinner; it’s quite a different thing if you make the same or more money than he does and/or share equally in domestic duties. Just curious…
August 2, 2017 at 11:10 am #695835Why take your husband-to-be’s last name at all? Why not just switch your name back to your maiden name and call it a day? You already said you don’t like your husband’s last name and don’t like the way it sounds with your first name, so why are you even thinking about taking it? To appease your husband? I’m sorry, but fuck that shit. It’s fucking 2017 — if he wants you to have the same last name, he can take your name. Why does it always have to be the women who changes names? You saw how well that worked the first time you did it, so why on earth would you want to do it again?
I’d really consider this a serious red flag, to be honest. Your dude sounds like a dick. If he’s unsupportive about what name you choose for yourself, what else is he going to be upsupportive and misogynistic about?
June 20, 2017 at 11:47 am #691161I’d give it maybe 2-3 more months to see if he actually puts his words into actions and tries to get you off, and if he doesn’t show some real honest interest and effort on that front, MOA. Six months is more than enough time to explore some alternative ways to please a woman if he’s having some issues with his plumbing.
June 19, 2017 at 3:00 pm #691030Honestly, I think him trying to guilt you into having postpartum sex with him before a doctor’s ok is divorce level fucked-upness. Everything else you’re talking about is a nail in the coffin.
June 19, 2017 at 2:57 pm #691028Because you’re being manipulated. And gaslighted. And not just by your husband, but by his mother, too. This is not good. This is really serious. This is divorce-level fucked-upness.
June 19, 2017 at 1:01 pm #690994Woah, your husband sounds emotionally abusive. I’m very concerned for you. To get mad at your for not breaking the no-sex for the first six weeks after labor rule? Absolutely disgusting. Abusive. Everything you say about him is really alarming. All of it. I know you said he’s a good father, but he’s not. He’s not a good father, and he is most certainly not a good partner. A good father wouldn’t have planned a first birthday party that his child’s mother didn’t even know about. What else is he going to plan without your knowledge? This is really serious!
If a friend of mine were telling me the things you’ve shared here, I would be doing everything I could to get her out of that home and in a safe place. This is not some minor issue where you’re feeling frustrated that your husband is oblivious to the invisible work you do. This is much, much worse than that. He is manipulating you, lying to you, and making unilateral decisions about your child, that greatly affect his well-being now and in the future.
Please, please get professional help. Get thee to a therapist. And it wouldn’t hurt to speak to a family attorney to learn about your rights as a mother, and how to get your ducks in a row should you decide to pursue a divorce.
June 9, 2017 at 1:02 pm #689912Yes on the baby boomers having so much stuff. I get really stressed out thinking about the work I’ll have on my hands one day if my parents don’t downsize while they’re still somewhat able-bodied and of sound mind. Ugh.
May 30, 2017 at 4:16 pm #688733Cute, Dre! You look gorgeous and happy (and he’s not so bad either)!
March 31, 2017 at 3:44 pm #680129Drew and I saw each other an average of maybe every three weeks — usually just for 2-3 nights each visit — over the course of 16 months or so. The longest stretch of time we ever spent together before I moved was one week. Sometimes you gotta just take a leap of faith. I think regular visits (and I count every-other month as regular) over more than a year is pretty substantial. Substantial enough to know for sure that you’re a perfect match and that your relationship will work out forever? No. But even seeing each other every day for three years wouldnt answer that.