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    October 2, 2016 at 7:03 pm #645488

    All the best with everything, @veritek! Congrats with CrossFit prom!

    I just came back from a week vacation in Portugal for a destination wedding and feel amazing/reflective (also hungover). Yes, it was quite a destination, but the groom’s side is from Scotland and he has family in Portugal. My friend, the bride, is from Canada. Eight of us from high school made it out there. The groom moved to Canada and while there’s a lot of seriousness, still, it’s romantic moving for love (with the right considerations etc.).

    It was just so refreshing spending days with friends again. It made me realize I want to be more interested and interesting. I want to get really fit (no, it’s not a be all and end all to insecurity but it will help). So I want to take a break from dating (well, more like swiping desperately). I don’t want to delete apps from phones but maybe that is the best way to stop. I hopefully will mutual fade with a guy I saw a few times before vacation. I liked the attention but I really don’t feel ready to go further.

    Also, as a point of interest, basically all the groom’s Scottish friends were coupled off. They met in six-year med school program there and I guess they were all very productive/efficient and married each other (too bad as there were a few good looking Scotsmen!). But all the bride’s friends, male and female, were single, HA. Different cultures I guess?

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    September 12, 2016 at 9:13 pm #639615

    That sounds like a really nice time together, @lucia. I feel like you already know the answer. It depends on what you are looking for but it doesn’t seem too realistic for a relationship (again).

    Thank you all so much for the sample script. I thought about it more and I did want to see him again. I have to admit it was partly because he didn’t text me for a day so I just texted him something related to our date (yeah, I guess there was pride involved, not too awesome to admit that), and we picked it up from there. We met up for a third date yesterday. I thought one more date wouldn’t waste anybody’s time.

    We went to a street festival/music festival. For the first few minutes I was really regretting my choice, but after it just felt nice; really good conversation. I think I am starting to like him as a person, not just him on paper. He’s extremely nerdy, smart, driven, and kind. And not afraid to show affection? Also one of the bands played The Smiths’ “There is a Light that Never Goes Out” and while that is a morbid/depressing song and we’re both pretty happy people, I think we had a ~moment~.

    Anyway, if he’s interested, I’d like to continue to date him and as long as we are on the same page on not committing early then it’s ok. That does sound a bit egotistical, I just mean the last guy I went out with brought up deleting online dating accounts on date 4 and it freaked me out. But I like spending time with him.

    That’s my update 😉 And I am still going through the various sites/apps.

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    September 5, 2016 at 5:16 pm #636584

    I went on a couple dates with the Tinder guy I asked out — Friday and today, mainly because we’re each going away so I wanted to see him again earlier. (Strangely enough, I bumped into him on the train on Saturday and we ended up chatting for half an hour). I have mostly decided if he asks for a third date I will have to tell him I’m not interested. I don’t want to ghost him because he’s a good guy. I just don’t know what to say — something like “I didn’t feel a spark” sounds fantastical. And I feel weird because we made out and I was physically into it so I gave him no signs on our dates that I wasn’t interested. And I feel shitty because honestly, our conversation was really good, but the making out wasn’t so it’s kind of a shallow reason.

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    August 31, 2016 at 7:37 pm #631769

    I asked a guy out! …on Tinder. Baby steps. We’re planning drinks on Friday night after work. I’m a little nervous because we did what you are not supposed to and chat for almost two weeks, like paragraphs (which is certainly weird on Tinder) so I hope we will still have things to talk about. I really didn’t want talk so much but I was waiting for him to ask me but I bit the bullet.

    Also, he’s clear he wants to move to Toronto where he works like early next year (we matched in the suburbs) and I plan on staying where I am right now, where I work. Also he mentioned (on the topic of Facebook and weddings) he’s not ready for marriage now as he wants to get settled financially, travel and a spend a lot of time with someone right, which objectively all makes sense, but like woah, too soon (when you’re chatting)?

    I think these are just yellow lights, not red flags.

    Anyway I hope this works out. I literally haven’t been on a date (or like even a meet up from online) since the end of last September.

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    August 27, 2016 at 12:03 pm #629053

    MG, those photos are breathtaking, literally. congrats!

    Dating has been really low key. I am “on the apps” but I swipe left more often than not. I’ve been talking to this guy for a week, which really feels like a month in terms of apps. He hasn’t asked me out, and I know I could ask him out, but I’m starting losing interest and I can’t tell if he’s cute or not.

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    August 6, 2016 at 9:30 am #613613

    Thanks gals, reassuring to know I’m not alone (albeit 6 years later). Lesson learned.

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    August 4, 2016 at 7:35 pm #613510

    Just needed to put this out here because I was a little foolish and I don’t want to tell anybody IRL. I think it’s ok but I should have known better. A month ago I chatted with a guy on Bumble, and it was light/fun. He asked me to join him and his friends for drinks but it was too late for me so I declined/apologized the next morning, and then the conversation ended.

    He messaged me yesterday asking what I was doing today. I was interested in trying something new (casual), so even though we hadn’t talked in a month, this afternoon I messaged back saying not much, wrapping up work. He said I should come out for a drink. I said sounded tempting and asked where.

    Then he asked if he could add me on Facebook to see if I was really who I was. I said I don’t usually add strangers without meeting them first. Then he said maybe a full body selfie and offered to go first. Which sounded even weirder. And I should have just ignored it. But I got his name instead to look on Facebook and he seemed normal so I added him/he added back.

    Then… silence. So I asked if he still wanted to get a drink and if not, let me know. He said “I’m good I think”. So well, I guess I wasn’t attractive enough/didn’t look enough like my photos–which I don’t think is the case, but sure, they are more flattering photos. I unfriended him soon after and unmatched him on Bumble. But, yeah, so the stupid part is now he knows my name which I was trying to avoid. I mean, he could do some Googling and find out where I work, but what else is he really going to do so I am hoping it’s ok.

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    June 20, 2016 at 3:19 pm #557710

    TheLadyE, I’m sorry to hear that 🙁

    I didn’t ask Toastmasters Guy out last Thursday, mainly because there were just too many people there. I do have his email and I could email him something about what he mentioned and then ask if he wanted to go out for coffee but I’m not sure. I’d love to get to know him better, but in the long scheme of things August is not that far away. Also, I can’t tell if I actually like him or if he’s both normal and cute and I’m just thirsty/hormonal.

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    June 12, 2016 at 2:33 pm #545386

    Yay looks like people are going on dates and having fun!

    Thanks @cleo! No hopefuls yet, but it’s still an avenue to try hard if it is something I want to do.

    There is a cute new member at the Toastmasters club I go to. Most members are in their late 30s-50s but for some reason there’s a recent crop of people in their 20s. This Thursday is our last meeting before we break for the summer. I want to be bold and I don’t know.. ask if he wants to go out for drinks or something or perhaps I can organize a group drink with the younger crowd (less bold ;)) since we won’t be meeting. I don’t know if this guy has a girlfriend though and also he’s going to business school in another city in January. But that doesn’t really matter at this point (I mean girlfriend yes, but I have no idea except he hasn’t mentioned one before). Life is too short not to go for it.

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    June 7, 2016 at 7:41 pm #538478

    I opened up my OKC account after deleting it for a while. It seems like the only guys who send me thoughtful messages are ones I am just not that attracted to, and I feel bad because I can tell they put time into their message but I just don’t want to reply. Hope something works out of this.

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    May 8, 2016 at 8:07 pm #498905

    Oh glad to hear it. I wasn’t sure where exactly in Alberta you were going (I realize it’s a big place ;)). Still, such a difficult time there. I can’t even imagine it.

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    May 7, 2016 at 10:31 pm #498799

    Just wondering, has anyone heard from cleo? I know she was moving to Alberta — Wood Buffalo? Not quite sure when? If you do see this I hope you are doing ok with the wildfires. My heart goes out to everyone in Fort McMurray.

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