Afternoon Quickie: “I Think He Cheated On Me in My Own Bed”

I just came back from a vacation in Singapore and was very sad about something I discovered upon my return. When I entered my apartment, I saw that it was quite a mess with glasses all over and the cushions all out of place. I knew that my boyfriend, who has keys to my place, had some of his friends over for those crazy video games, which honestly I didn’t mind at all. What really bothered me was when I got to my bedroom and noticed that it was in a bit of dissaray and that there were some hairs on the floor. I immediately made an inspection on the bed and…

Morning Quickie: “My Gay Ex-Boyfriend Is Back with His Wife”

I’m a 22-year-old gay male in Illinois who has recently ended a short-term relationship that lasted about two months. “Ken” and I met online and things moved pretty fast. He has two younger daughters, and I found out early in the relationship that he is still married to the mother of his children. He said he was getting a divorce. Before him, I was with my former partner, “Keith,” for four years. We had been split for about a year before I met Ken. My relationship with Ken was fine until one day he decided to break up with me through a text message. The night before this event, we didn’t argue,…

Your Turn: “My Friend’s Husband Is Getting in the Way of Our Friendship”

I’m a single, fit woman who just recently moved back to the area where I’m currently living, and I have been actively pursuing new friendships. I have been meeting some great people and was initially drawn to a girl who is originally from my hometown. We hit it off and decided to get together. Well, I invited her to a beach party this past summer and, since she is married and goes everywhere with her husband, I invited her to invite him as well. Ever since the beach party, though, this girl and I have not really hung out and, what’s more, I get the feeling that she is jealous of me…

“My Stepdaughter’s Mother is Turning Her Against Me”

I married a lovely man a little under a year ago. We’ve been together for several years, but we did not live together until about a year before we wed. He has two children from his previous marriage who are with us every other week. The relationship with his ex was very adversarial for a while, in part due to the fact that she continued to hold hopes for marital reconciliation well beyond the point where we started to date. Now they just don’t speak, and they exchange only cursory emails about kid activities. I have a good relationship with my 15-year-old step-son, and I have rather gracefully fallen into the role…

“My Husband Won’t Stop Smoking Weed in Our Apartment”

It’s time again for Shortcuts. For every question, I’ll give my advice in just a few sentences because sometimes the answer to a person’s question is so obvious and the need to hear it so great that being as clear and frank as possible is simply the best way to go. I don’t want my husband smoking weed in my apartment. The neighbors have complained to the office about the strong smell, and I have received a call from the office stating that it needs to cease immediately. The worst part about this is that I am an employee of the company that owns the apartments! I am very embarrassed and, when…

“Should I Confess to My Boss that I’m Deeply In Love with Him?”

The story starts when I was hired for a new job via phone interview. The man that I spoke to was funny, confident, and calm, and immediately I developed a crush. All this without even seeing what he looked like. This crush developed over time to an infatuation and then eventually a deep love, but I’m getting ahead of myself now. Because of the structure of our job, we all work in different cities, connecting through email or phone calls and only seeing each other a handful of times a year. My feelings for this guy (who is technically my boss) grew stronger and stronger as we got to know each other….

“My Boyfriend Refuses to do ‘Boy Stuff’ With My Son”

I am a 25-year-old female, and I have a 7-year-old son from a previous relationship. I have a 29-year-old boyfriend of almost three years and we have an 18-month-old son together. In addition, he has a 9-year-old daughter from a previous marriage whom he gets every other weekend. My boyfriend lives with us at my father’s apartment where I was living when I got pregnant — he moved in toward the end of my pregnancy to help with the new baby. The entire time he has lived with me (almost two years) he has never made a connection with my son, and they see each other 20+ days every month. He never…

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