Dear Wendy
Forum Replies Created
May 17, 2022 at 9:44 am #1109514
Thanks, guys. Sucks about your niece’s missed prom and graduation!!
The way we’ve been doing it is to live life pretty normally when transmission is low or moderate – but still wearing masks in stores, on public transport, etc. We’ll often opt to dine outdoors instead of inside but occasionally do dune indoors. I’ll wear masks at the hair salon and stuff like that. But with friends and family, I’m back to normal. And then when we have an event or vacation or seeing someone at high risk, we limit activities in the week leading up to it – do as little in public as reasonably possible. The big thing I can’t control is the school exposure. Drew works from home, so we’ve not had work exposure to deal with (I actually started a part-time job, totally unrelated to writing or blogging, but I don’t interact with many people so exposure risk is low). Some families, of course, have work exposure and school exposure and then it’s just nearly impossible to avoid infection. It shouldn’t have to be that way but it is.
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by
Dear Wendy.
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by
Dear Wendy.
May 17, 2022 at 5:05 am #1109503Joanie had som minor symptoms on Sunday morning and since she’s had so much exposure at school, I tested her. She’s positive. The rest of us are negative so far. She almost surely got it at school (she hadn’t been anywhere else indoors in the past week except one subway ride home from school). She’s had multiple classmates out with Covid – as much as 1/3 the class has been absent on any given day this month, and masks are optional, students only have to quarantine for 5 days (if they even report their cases) and no requirement to test negative to return. So, it was expected but no less enraging that my kids would bring Covid home.
Drew and I had tickets to a gala Thursday night we were really looking forward to but I cancelled with the babysitter and we’ll have to skip it. My sister, whom we haven’t seen in 2 1/2 years, is supposed to come visit next week but if it takes two weeks for the Covid to run through our family, we’ll have to cancel that. And, of course, there’s the risk of long Covid and longterm damage to internal organs that no one wants to think about. It’s infuriating that schools have been turned into mass infection sites.
May 13, 2022 at 11:47 am #1109409TheLadyE, so sorry to hear you got it and are so symptomatic. My unsolicited advice is to rest more and longer than you think you need. Ease back into things as slowly as you can get away with. Doing too much too soon can increase the chances of the symptoms lingering longer. Also, if you’re taking Paxlovid, be aware that relapses are possible several days after finishing the regimen. If you start to feel symptomatic again, assume it’s a relapse and isolate and test (this is what Colbert is currently doing after he had a post-paxlovid relapse this week). Good luck!
May 6, 2022 at 12:21 pm #1109185It really is exhausting! I keep thinking, “Ok, I can get it this week and it wouldn’t disrupt anything, but if it took two weeks to cycle through the four of us, that could disrupt this plan or that plan. I can’t get it next week when I’m doing this thing or that thing. And let’s hope none of the family gets it before this vacation or that wedding or this event we’ve been looking forward to for months” etc etc. And we’re gonna just go through this 3-4 times a year??? Seems like any immunity you might get with infection lasts about three months, when the the next wave comes. I want off this merry-go-round!!
May 6, 2022 at 11:09 am #1109181Oh yeah, nearly everyone I know who escaped omicron in the winter wave, has covid right now (or had it in the past couple weeks). Somehow, we (my family of four) still haven’t tested positive despite countless cases at the kids’ school and living life pretty normally now (still masking in stores and on public trans, but otherwise life as normal). Drew has cold symptoms today though so after a negative rapid test this morning, he got a PCR test and I went along and got one too (brain jab, omg). Results in 2-3 days. I feel fine though and don’t have any symptoms and imagine Drew probably just has a cold or allergies.
April 17, 2022 at 5:21 am #1108687Glad you’re still negative, Kate! It’s one thing to get covid doing something you want to be doing and where you’ve been able to adequately calculate your risk; it’s another to get it at work from a reckless colleague, or from your kids bringing it home from school. Hope you continue to stay well!
April 16, 2022 at 4:49 am #1104103Just a head’s up that I’ve moved this thread from “chat” to “advice.”
March 25, 2022 at 9:42 am #1103631Just wanted to say I’ve been using the essy eyelash serum that you all recommended for about a month and I’m seeing some difference in my lashes (not my eyebrows yet, sadly, as I think they’re kind of a lost cause). I just realized that I tried this serum about two years ago and maybe I wasn’t consistent with it like I am now, because I don’t remember it having any effect then.
March 22, 2022 at 12:29 pm #1103568Yes, outdoors for the win!
And, yeah, we still have tons of testing sites around nyc (and free rapid tests available at various community and cultural places, like public libraries; I pick up four every week and we still test at home regularly since it’s free and easy).
March 21, 2022 at 12:17 pm #1103533Kate, that guy sounds like an enormous asshole! SOOOO tacky. His poor kids.
Ktfran, hope your BIL makes a full recovery!
As for BA.2, it’s here and spreading quickly in NYC, and nothing will be done. We are supposed to be in a “learn to live with covid” phase, meaning, I guess, being ok with getting covid 2-4 times a year, which seems really wild to me. My kids’ school dropped mandates a week ago and I told the kids they could decide for themselves how they wanted to proceed but that once I saw evidence of a new wave, I would ask them to please wear their masks. As of today, the 7-day case avg had increased 50% since a week ago, signaling the beginning of a wave, so I asked them to please keep their masks on at school. I am not ok with this level of infection and transmission. I’m surprised so many people are. The longterm effects of such frequent mass viral infection is going to be bad.
This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by