“My Boyfriend’s Roommate Owes Him Over 10k in Back Rent and He Still Won’t Kick Him Out!”

I’ve been dating the same man for 3-1/2 years. He has a problem with letting people take advantage of him. He found a roommate on Craigslist two years ago to bring in some extra income since he’s retired. This roommate supposedly produced some film projects in the 80s, is now a has-been, and “has working on some new projects.” He also claims that his father is a millionaire; yet, he is always late with rent, doesn’t pay in full (if at all) and makes excuses like his “new contract” has been postponed (several times). I knew this was a serious problem over a year ago, when he owed my boyfriend 2K, and…

“How Can I Make My Male Coworker My Friend?”

I’m a new immigrant in my mid-40s and I’ve already lost my all friends back home, so I really need to make some friends again. It has been almost two years working in a company as a professional. Since the beginning I started working with a gentleman who was in charge of another department. After several months I realized I had feelings toward him. I need to say that I am happily married with two children. This gentleman was so nice, polite, and supportive of me. I truly want to have him as a friend at work. To be honest with you, yes, first my feelings were like a romantic type. But…

“Should I Email the Newswoman I Have a Crush On?”

From the forums: I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous, but please hear me out. I have a crush on this new anchorwoman on one of the local news stations where I live. I think she’s very pretty, but I also think she seems like an extremely nice person. I really enjoy meeting new people and making new friends, but it’s been difficult for me to meet nice girls in the area because I don’t enjoy going out to the bars much and am not much of a party person if that makes sense. I also don’t do online dating or use any dating apps. I thought it would be cool to be…

Happy Lurker Introduction Day and DW Social Hour!

Guess what today is?! It’s Lurker Introduction Day (Take 7), a day when lurkers on this website are invited to come out of hiding and show themselves. It’s also a day I totally made up. But, look, I know what it’s like. I’ve been before, and am, a lurker on different sites. You read along for weeks or maybe months (maybe even years??) without ever having an intention to NOT participate — it just sort of happens that way. You might have things to say in the comments, but they’ve already been said a dozen or so other ways by other people — people who comment all the time. Or, maybe you’re…

“He Replaced Me After My Abortion”

I’m a 25-year-old who’s never really been in a serious relationship despite wanting to find the one so bad. Truth is I’m quirky and often suffer from social anxiety in my intimate relationships. But about eight months ago I did fall in love. I fell in love the night I met this guy — he was my roommate’s best friend. We started sleeping together straight away. He told me pretty quick that he wanted a relationship. It was quite full-on, and, I gotta admit, I was scared of it. His best mate was a big alpha guy who cheated on his girl, and my guy was pretty similar in terms of being…

“I’m Afraid To Date Because I’m $190,000 In Debt”

I’m a 31-year-old, single guy and at a point in my life where I’d like to find a great woman, settle down and perhaps start a family in the not-too-distant future. Unfortunately, I have a terrible secret that is making it difficult for me to get close to women: I have $190,000 in student loan debt (no, I am not a doctor). Aside from that scary number, I am financially responsible and have a promising career with a high income trajectory ahead of me. How I arrived at that $190,000 is moot, but what isn’t is the psychological handicap I’ve developed. I am ashamed and embarrassed to be burdened by such student…

Morning Quickies: “My Girlfriend Thinks I’m Disgusting with My Daughter”

The other day my daughter and I were on the couch at my girlfriend’s house and my daughter decided to lie down and put her legs across mine as I sat at the other end of the couch. I noticed that my girlfriend seemed agitated by something and was quiet. When I went to speak to her, she told me that she was disgusted by the fact that my daughter had her legs across me (supposedly close to my crotch) and that my daughter was obviously having sexual feelings. This to me is disturbing that she thought and voiced this with me. My daughter and I have a very close but respectful…

“Why Am I Only Attracted to Bad Boys?”

Why am I having such a hard time with men? I’m a 20-year-old female who suffers from pangs of loneliness and I’ve chalked it up to sucking at dating. I’m Russian, which guys find “exotic” and alluring, and I am studying to be a doctor. I’m definitely on the higher end of the attractiveness scale and get a lot of male attention, but I feel it does me no good. Coming from an all-girls high school and spending my Bachelor years studying my butt off, it’s been tough finding the time or circumstance to interact with decent men. Bucketloads of guys want me for sex only. I swat them like flies because…

Quickies: “My Boyfriend Didn’t Kiss Me At Midnight on New Year’s Eve!”

I spent my first New Year’s Eve with my boyfriend. I explained to him that the only things that mattered to me were that we spent time together and that we kissed AT midnight. Well, we didn’t kiss at midnight, which seems like a stupid thing to get upset about, but I’m upset he didn’t listen to me. I specifically asked about that earlier and he made a joke about it, so I guess he didn’t take it seriously. When I asked him if we could please do that next year, he got really hurt and didn’t even want to look at me or face me. He said he was sad he…

Quickies: “I Don’t Want to Tell Our Neglectful Brother When Our Mother Dies”

My brother is married to a real control freak who won’t let him come see our dying mom. It’s breaking her already weak heart and causing me to resent him. I have no one to help me with her and it’s very stressful. I’m thinking of not even calling him when she passes because they’ll come to the service and make a big show saying how much they loved her and miss her, etc. and it would sicken me. What should I do? — Already Sickened

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